Vitamin F

Information about vitamin

Vitamin F
One is not a true vitamin, but that is used east term to denominate to the insaturados fatty acids that are essential for the organism, specially linoleico acid. They have in common that the organism cannot synthesize them and must be contributed in the diet. They do not actuan like active substances that react with other compounds like the rest of the vitamins, but that happen to comprise of cellular membranes like structural elements. They have other multiple functions, between which they emphasize the one to participate in the oxygen transport by the blood, to regulate the sanguineous coagulation index, to disperse the cholesterol deposited in the veins, to induce a hormonal activity normal (synthesis of prostaglandins) and to nourish all the cells of the skin.

Two groups or series divide themselves in: the series 3 Omega and Omega 6. First it is formed by acids linoleico, linolénico and araquidónico, present in virgin vegetal oils (ojo is destroyed with the heat) the dry seeds of sunflower, fruits and the avocados. Also the gamma - linole'nico acid is included in this series, present in the oil of prímula (also called onagra) or of borraja. The series Omega 6 constitutes the fatty acids eicosapentaónico and docosahexaenóico, that are abundantly in the greasy fish.

The about 10 adults require gr. to the day or the equivalent one to 1 % of the ingested calories. The children must consume until 3 % of the energy contributed by the diet in essential fatty acid form (RDA the USA 1995)

Rich essential fatty acid foods.

Amount recommended per day: 8 - 10 gr. or 3 % of total the power contribution.

Oil of seeds: 66.

Oil of soybean: 61.

Oil of sunflower: 6, 1.

Maize oil: 5, 1.

Nuts: 4, 1.

Margarina: 2.

Almonds and peanuts: 1, 2.

Olive oil: 0, 9.

Bacons and butters: 0, 7.

Mantequilla: 0, 3.

Amounts expressed in g / 100 gr.

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