parnassia palustris

PARNASIA (parnassia palustris) - HIPERnatural.COM
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parnassia palustris
Family: Saxifragáceas.

Description: Grass provided root thick and abundant radículas, from which the single stem and leaves arranged in rosette, petiolated, ACORAZONADO, whole. The stem holds one sheet at the apex amplexicaula and provides a flower with the chalice and pentasépalo Corolla pentapétala, white, with light green veteados. The result is an ellipsoidal capsule carrying the seeds. One grows near the quagmire, swamps and bogs, and is given to the 3, 000 m in height. Measured on average about 10 cm. Is collected in summer and until late autumn.

Used parts: The whole plant.

Chemical compounds: Tannin, resin, salts, mucilages.

Properties: Astringent, vulnerable, tonic.

How to use: Infusion, powders, dye, water, poultice.

Interesting: The water distilled from the PARNASIA is an effective astringent eye drops. The plant is used in the Alpine towns in decoction, as a mouthwash in stomatitis, and crushed for his injuries. Also has a mild diuretic action. The powders act as aspersa on the wounds.

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