ipecacuana cephaelis ipecacuanha

PICAHONDA (ipecacuana cephaelis ipecacuanha) - HIPERnatural.COM
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ipecacuana cephaelis ipecacuanha
Other Names:

Ringed Minor, Bejuquillo, Picahonda, Poaja, rootlets, root Brazilian.

In 1912 they discovered the active ingredients of ipecac, and since then is part of numerous pharmaceutical preparations.

Habitat: original hot and humid forests of Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Mexico.

Description: shrub, 30 to 50 cms. tall, of the family of Rubiaceae, with roots long and ringed. Its flowers, white and small, are growing at a terminal flower heads.

Used parts: the root crushed into powder.

Properties and indications: the root contains emetine and other alkaloids, in addition to acid ipecac and saponins. These properties are:

Emética: Because of emetine, leads easily vomitus. It is used to empty the stomach in case of poisoning, if it is not possible to carry out a gastric lavage.

Expectorant: the emetine and saponins give it a strong expectorant action at low doses, so it enters the composition of various bronchial syrups.

Amebicida: The emetine destroys the amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery and amoebic liver abscesses. In these cases it is recommended to use any of the pharmaceutical preparations exist based emetine.

Use: 4 to 6 grams. Following powder dissolved in water. For children 0. 1 gram per year of age. It is used as vomiting and expectorant. If taken in syrup with 1 or 2 tablespoons is an easy - vomit. In infusion of 8 gm. Root crushed 1 / 4 liter of water. As expectorant takes only 4 or 5 tablespoons each hour, to avoid vomiting.

Precautions: Do not exceed the prescribed dose to avoid violent vomiting. The powdered root is very irritating to the skin.

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