
rumex patientia

Roma (rumex patientia) - HIPERnatural.COM
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rumex patientia
Other Names:

Acedera bladder, Chard, Spinach without flavor, herb Patience.

It belongs to the same gender that Barbels botanical de Vaca (Rumex Crispus) of properties very similar, and that the sorrel, which differs by not having an acid taste, but bitter. All of them were used as vegetables in the Middle Ages and in times of scarcity.

Habitat: edges of the roads and shady land in northern Spain and parts of central Europe. Naturalized in the American continent.

Description: perennial plant of the family of Poligonáceas, which reaches 0. 5 to 1 meter in height. The stem and leaves are large reddish veins. Its scent is pungent and their flavor bitter.

Used parts: the leaves and dried roots.

Properties and indications: the entire plant contains plenty of iron and phosphorus, tannins, and glycosides active on the digestive system and kidneys. Its root has been used as a laxative safe, although it acts so slowly that you have to wait several weeks to notice the effect. Hence the name of patience. It is anti (for its iron content) purifying and slightly diuretic. Its use is indicated in cases of constipation rebel depurativas priests in the spring, in eczema, slack in the digestive system and anemia due to lack of iron. Applied externally, leaves and roots are crushed healing effect on ulcers and sores on the skin.

Use: the leaves are consumed as a vegetable. Also in infusion with 30 grams. of leaves and / or crushed dried roots per liter of water, which takes 2 - 3 cups a day. Juice of fresh leaves, one glass per day. Externally, cataplasms of crushed leaves and roots, which are applied to sores and ulcers.

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