rabo de gato sideritis angustifolia lagasca

ZAHAREÑA (rabo de gato sideritis angustifolia lagasca) - HIPERnatural.COM
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rabo de gato sideritis angustifolia lagasca
Other Names:

Herb Terral, Siderítide, Zahareña.

Plant very popular in eastern and southern Spain, whose employment has expanded rapidly in recent decades. Was first used in veterinary medicine, to heal the wounded animal, and its results are such that it has become common usage among farmers and ranchers Mediterranean.

Habitat: Hillsides uneducated and downs of the Spanish Mediterranean coast, from Barcelona to Malaga.

Description: a woody plant basis, the family of Labiadas, which reaches 20 to 50 cms. tall. From its upright twigs born around lemon yellow flowers.

Used parts: the flowering tops.

Properties and indications: it contains a substance with antibiotic properties, as well as anti - inflammatory action of flavonoids. It is used internally, with very good results in dyspepsia, gastritis and gastric ulcers. Has an intense anti - inflammatory action on the digestive system. Its implementation is the most common vulnerary: heal the wounds and bruises heal with an amazing speed. It is useful in any kind of grazes, bruises, wounds (infected or not) skin ulcers and skin infections.

Use: infuse with 30 or 40 grams of flowering tops in one liter of water, which takes 3 to 4 cups a day.

For external use, towels soaked in the same infusion for internal use. Are fixed on the affected skin using a soft bandage, and are changed every 3 or 4 hours. Wash the affected areas with this infusion.

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