Angina pectoris

Disease information

Angina pectoris - HIPERnatural.COM
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Angina pectoris
The chest angina is a suffering caused by the diminution of the sanguineous flow in transitory form at level of the arteries in charge to nourish and to irrigate the heart.

It is pronounced by a recurrent pain in the chest, that are originated underneath the breastbone and in many cases it extends towards the neck, the jaw and the arms, generally the left one and in the superior part of the back.

General malaise also appears, difficulty to breathe and sensation of oppression in the chest, tension, slowness and ahogamiento with difficult breathing and generally begins like an annoyance that intensifies in few minutes and later it disappears totally.

The chest angina can feel like equal to an attack to the heart or infarct of myocardium, but the symptoms are temporary since these crises usually last between one and 10 minutes and do not cause permanent damage generally although yes they represent a greater risk of attack the heart.

The manifestations or symptoms appear when the cardiac muscle does not receive sufficient oxygen and the main cause is the aterosclerosis, or angostamiento of the coronary arteries due to deposits of plates of fat and cholesterol.

The narrow arteries can be able to take sufficient rich oxygen blood until the cardiac muscle so that it carries out his activities normal, nevertheless, when the heart works more by some additional effort like doing excessive and nonhabitual exercises or at moments of stress, fear or tension, the cardiac muscle require and suffer by the lack of oxygen. This condition is called isquemia.

A heavy food or a exhibition to the cold also can cause a chest angina, because the sanguineous flow is turned aside of the coronary arteries towards other parts of the organism.

To some people an attack of chest angina happens to them, while they rest or they sleep. This type of angina noncaused, sometimes is caused by espasmos of the coronary artery and is a sign of an imminent attack to the heart.

IMPORTANT: The content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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