CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)

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CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) - HIPERnatural.COM
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CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
Cancer of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)

It consists of the disorganized and uncontrolled proliferation of cells in support of the central nervous system.

Because the brain is protected in a rigid box, any increase in their volume is harmful, so it was considered all the tumors as malignant.


In principle, although recent research points to the contrary, the nerve cells of the adult does not multiply, so the brain cancers do not originate there.

To operate the nerve cells need the help of several auxiliary cells:



Cell coating (meninges and epéndimo; cover external and internal brain) and.

provinientes cells from the rest of the body, such as white blood cells.

They come from these cancers.

The brain is also the preferred place for metastatic cancers originated elsewhere in the body, especially lung, breast and lymph.

Signs and symptoms.

Simplifying, brain tumors produce symptoms attributable to three main causes:

Irritation of the nerve tissue, which causes seizures.

Loss of function, which according to the affected area, will produce:

Partial loss of vision,

aphasia (an inability to speak)

paralysis and.

loss of sensitivity,

Increasing the pressure inside the skull:

Intense headaches,

escopetazo vomiting,

alterations in the mobility of pupils,

Attributable to all of them can be great changes in personality.

Often cancers of the nervous tissue does not produce symptoms until they have a surprisingly large volume.

In advanced stages is a coma (loss of consciousness) and even a decerebration (disconnection of the brain)

Risk Factors.


Some rare genetic diseases show an increase in this type of tumor.



Diagnosis and Treatment.

In the presence of signs and symptoms suggestive, will be conducted clinical relevance:

Neurologic Shopping.

Fund eye,

visual field measurement,

The analytical does not play a big role.

The imaging tests are critical, especially scanner (TAC) and resonance (NMR) brain, which detect a large proportion of cases, tumors larger than 1 cm.

When in doubt, be carried out tests to rule out the origin of metastatic tumor, expanding the search to the entire body, using multiple tests.

The treatment of brain tumors is mainly surgical.

In some cases radiotherapy plays an important role, to settle in areas beyond the reach of the scalpel.

Anticancer medication game a very modest role in these types of tumors.

Today, their genetic treatment is one of the most investigated, although, for now, with few results.

General Measures.

Psychological advice for the patient and his family,

Means for the care and replacement of deficits caused by the tumor, such as railings, walkers, and so on.


Primarily to relieve pain and control seizures, if it occurs.

Also to reduce the pressure inside the skull.


Those derived from the growth of the tumor.


Some brain tumors such as meningiomas and craniofaringiomas, are curable by surgery.

Others, like astrocytomas, can completely removed, depending on their accessibility.

Most are incurable, limiting surgery to reduce and delay the effects of the same (palliative treatment)

The quality of life of patients can be kept well until very advanced stages.

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