Benign Leucoplakia

Disease information

Benign Leucoplakia - HIPERnatural.COM
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Benign Leucoplakia

Zone compacted in the fine layers that have the mouth or the language.

Parts of the body that affects.

Mainly inside the cheek, sky of the mouth, to paladar, floor of the mouth and lateral of the language.

She is not contagious although yes premalignant.


It affects mainly to adults of more than 60 years.


In many cases they are not known.

A can be due:

Deficiency of vitamins To or B.

Masculine or feminine hormone deficiency.

Chronic irritation of the mouth, that can be due, as well, a:

Notched teeth,

Sets of teeth badly fitted,

Hot meals or sharp,

Excessive consumption of alcohol or nicotine.


Signs and symptoms.

There are no symptoms in the first stages.

Sensitivity for sharp foods or with spices.

A small white spot in the mouth:

It compacts,

Aspera and.


Factors of risk.

The tobacco including cigarettes, tobacco to chew, I shaved or pure.

Other irritating ones (to see causes)

False teeth.


It does not smoke nor it uses products elaborated with tobacco.

If it takes false teeth or it smokes, examines its mouth frequently.

If they appear suspicious erosions, reduces the ingestion of sharp foods or with many spices.

Go to the doctor before the smaller suspicion.

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