Disease information

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An enormous variety of parasites exists that lodge and develop in the human body; mainly in the hair, the skin and the digestive tract, mainly in the internal, preventing the absorption of nutrimentos that would have to be taken advantage of by the human being for their suitable growth and development and to conserve the health.

Between most frequent they are:

Protozoario microscopic, like: the amoebas, giardia and the cristosporidium.

Metazoarios, that is helmintos worms or like: the oxiuros, ascaris, tapeworms or tapeworms, tricocéfalo, ancylostoma, necator, estrongiloides and toxocaras among others.

Although the mechanism and via of I infect varies, most of the parasites acquire when ingesting water, earth or foods contaminated with its cysts or huevecillos.

All the people to any age can be carrying of parasites, but the damages are much greater in the children because its growth is affected.

The risk factors to contract intestinal parasites are:

To take water without boiling, to clorar or that is not potable. The water of the rivers, seas, lakes and prey, taken directly can be carrying of many parasites deposited by the excrement of people and animals that build in them.

To eat foods watered with black waters, without suitably disinfecting them or vegetables and fruits with rind without washing suitably.

To eat meats to means to cook or nonfresh.

To eat in the street or dirty places.

To have animals near foods.

not to wash or the hands after going to the bath and before touching, preparing or to ingest foods.

not to wash the hands of the children after playing in the Earth, the ground or with some animal.

To eat frozen trowels, scraped and other products elaborated with water of doubtful origin.

To take crude milk without boiling.

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