alacranera coronilla scorpioides

ALACRANERA (alacranera coronilla scorpioides) - HIPERnatural.COM
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alacranera coronilla scorpioides
Other Names:

Herb's Alacran.

This is an annual herb curious and entirely hairless, upright, usually no more than two spans tall. The leaves (except those below) are composed of three very different chips: the one in the middle, oval shape and much larger than the two sides. In meetings with the leaves above the stem flowers are born, about the same length as the road and gathered in groups of two to four yellow flowers. It is a plant of its own land, being distributed throughout our geography (in reference to Spain) The alacranera or grass - like Alacran's also known - blooming between April and June, in July at the latest. The collection for medicinal purposes are interested in the whole plant.

The name of alacranera comes from the peculiar morphology of the fruit, this is long, narrow, with several ceñiduras in its route and is stooped, like the tail of the dreaded Alacran. This was like the use of his time as a popular remedy against the bites of these bugs, although at present it is not used for this purpose.

The alacranera contains all its organs in a glucoside called coronilina, in addition to a substance characterized by being very aromatic. But the flavoring should not be confused when it comes to employing a plant, as for instance in this case it is a grass quite toxic if not handled with appropriate precautions. In the seed is a fairly complex composition: fats, lecithins, olein, colesterinas and many other compounds. In fact, the effects of this kind are quite similar to those in the digital, which means that acts directly on the heart by regulating its operation. The advantage of this herb, or rather, its active ingredient, which is not accumulate in the body, so one can say that is less toxic to the digital. But against him say that is little studied and a plant substances that act on the heart should be handled with great care, since a failure in adjusting the dose can lead to serious problems difficult to solve. For this reason its use has not spread. Who knows if in the future will reveal hitherto unknown properties, which could even displace Digitalis compounds.

The plant itself is little used for the reasons previously comentábamos. Is preferred to use the active ingredient isolated, the coronilina; this is taken in very low doses, previously set by the physician, the only health professional trained to prescribe any remedy. In some areas is used externally as the blistering and irritating.

Toxic. Cardiotonic. Antiasmático.

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