Wallflower YELLOW

alhelí amarillo  cheiranthus cheiri

Wallflower YELLOW (alhelí amarillo  cheiranthus cheiri) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Wallflower YELLOW
alhelí amarillo  cheiranthus cheiri
The Wallflower, as all the treaties of botany, includes several species from two different genres, for this reason must be named Wallflower yellow, so as not to confuse it. It is an annual plant that becomes a bit woody as they get older. The flower stems are upright and are coated with pelitos, like the leaves, which are located next to one another; are contained lanceolate, acute and edges intact, a little whitish below.

The flowers are yellow and form an intense bouquet at the end of the stems. The Wallflower yellow is usually grown in pots for their outstanding ornamental effect, but also gives Cimarron, especially between walls of old buildings, churches, monasteries, and so on.

It blooms from March onwards. The collection for therapeutic purposes interested in the leaves and seeds. As for the leaves must be collected in the month of September. In some textbooks are issuing rules for collecting, summarizing the type of environment that should make even the best hours of collection.

Possibly this is due to the concentration of active ingredients, which tends to fluctuate during the day. The seeds are collected when the fruits are fully ripe, possibly a bit before they are opened by themselves. The seeds are very rich in oil and also contain various cardiac glycosides. The virtues of cardiac Wallflower were discovered not long ago for other diseases. But when a species that has direct effects on the heart, we must take care of much use without a prescription from a physician. Such substances cardiac - that is, invigorate the heart, have the great disadvantage that to achieve optimal effects very well need to adjust the dose, as it moves from the therapeutic dose to toxic dose in a matter of milligrams. In addition, we must also take into account the sensitivities of each patient: there are no 2 people the same and therefore everyone needs a different dose. Today, all these studies are performed in hospitals, run by highly specialized personnel. And do not normally use a plant, but draws in products of interest and investigates them, so that the dose is very well adjusted.

Infusion: Using a small amount of previously dried leaves are added to a cup of boiling water, drink small sips, no more than two cups per day and this will achieve excellent diuretic effects. In the literature, there are other botanical preparations of greater or lesser activity, but almost always used in very small quantities and mixed with other herbs. Do not forget that this is a very active and plant toxic if used badly.

Toxic. Cardiotonic. Anti - inflammatory.

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