Alisma Plantago-aquatica (Alisma)

Alisma Plantago-aquatica (Alisma) () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Alisma Plantago-aquatica (Alisma)
The Alisma is a perennial plant of the family of alismatáceas. This family consists of some 70 species of temperate and warm countries that are generally characteristic of grass and damp.

This plant has the strain a bit thickened and the stem is very upright, stiff and without leaves. The sheets pulled directly from the strain, are sustained for long corner and are usually oval - shaped ACORAZONADO at the base. The flowers are small and are usually long corner to start from the same point on the stem and branch out again to form a broad nosegay. One grows in swamps, ponds and water course slow across the country.

It blooms in spring and summer, as long as sufficient moisture is adequate to its characteristics. From the collection of interest mainly for medicinal purposes leaves, which can boot over the year, although better if this is done when it has not yet flowered plant, as it is at this time when more concentration in active ingredients has.

The Alisma stores large amounts of starch in the stock. This is the polysaccharide that is found in highest concentration, but also contains many other sugars, resin, tannic and materials color acre of a substance that disappears after the cooking process. Both the leaves and the strain of Alisma pharmacological applications can be found if used adequately. Mainly it feels kind astringent, anti - inflammatory and rubefaciente, although in some towns where he is accused abounds many other properties that however it is not worth commenting. In reality, it is a kind little active in terms of medicinal, or at least poorly studied in terms of its composition. Of all the species that make up this family, just know that it is used for healing purposes the Alisma, leaving out the rest of the plants of the family.

In some old books you can find the following description: "the Alisma (called by some damasonio) produces sheets similar to those of plantain, only narrower and leaning toward earth. Drink one or two drachmas (former measure of volume) of its Following with wine, provide relief to those who swallowed some sea hare (marine gastropod small that secretes a toxic liquid) ".

Fresh leaves: The fresh leaves are crushed and applied directly on the skin, which produces an intense inflammation.

Astringent. Anti - inflammatory. Rubefaciente.

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