ALOE () - HIPERnatural.COM
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With the designation of aloe fall several species of the genus Aloe (such as aloe vera) are almost always woody, with leaves very large and fleshy, arranged in large rosettes and a reece thorn in the upper tip that accompanies other smaller spines. They tend to miss one or more axillary bohordos that crown in beautiful bouquets. The flowers are tubular, reddish, orange or yellow. The fruit is a capsule.

There are over 150 species which are divided into sunny slopes and stony or rocky places in most of Africa and Asia. Sgún the species in question, can bloom in spring and summer, although in their respective countries of origin are some species that bloom in winter. The collection of interest that the juice is extracted from the leaves, commonly called acíbar.

The juice of the leaves curdled into a solid mass dark and very bitter, is known as acíbar. For his collection, to proceed as follows: the fluid flow is left to be drained of their leaves cut crosswise, incorporated in a container designed for that purpose, this liquid is left to concentrate heat from the sun or artificial heat. This procedure of obtaining the acíbar was formerly in the countries of origin. In Spain currently not known, but at other times could be obtained from Aloes acíbar that breed in our lands.

The composition of acíbar varies according to the aloe that comes, the season of harvest and the method of preparing it. A high percentage of water. It also contains anthracene derivatives such as aloemodina, aloína and aloinósidos A and B. At low doses the acíbar behaves as a digestive tonic and colagogo. These doses should not exceed one tenth of a gram. As of 0. 1, behaves as a mild laxative, but if the doses administered exceed 0. 2 grams. start the laxative effects, similar to those caused by sin, rhubarb or frangula. Not recommended for consumption in pregnant women or people with hemorrhoids. In addition, this plant, administered in high doses, can cause gastrointestinal colic type tables. Aloe juice is irritating to the skin, which should take into account the people who handled.

Acíbar dust: Dose of 0. 02 - 0, 06 gr / day, without increasing the dose, unless by prescription. In this dosing interval acts as a tonic, digestive and colagogo. When used as a laxative or purgative, should be administered at night so that it produces its effects the next morning. In no case should exceed the dose of 0. 5 grams. a day.

Laxative. Purgative. Colagogo.

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