levísticolevisticum officinale

CELERY MONTE (levísticolevisticum officinale) - HIPERnatural.COM
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levísticolevisticum officinale
Other Names:

Celery Monte, Legústico, Parsley Wild.

It's like a big wild celery, with interesting culinary and medicinal applications. In central Europe it is used as a condiment its roots crushed, because its flavor is similar to that of pepper. The hollow stems are used as straws to suck hot liquid in the event of a cold.

Habitat: originating in the countries bordering the western Mediterranean, has been widely grown throughout Europe and in some regions of America. In Spain is in the Pyrenees.

Description: perennial plant of the family of Umbelíferas, which reaches 1 - 2 meters high. Stem robust but hollow. Its flowers are yellow or greenish, and are arranged in terminal umbels.

Used parts: the root in spring, leaves and seeds in early autumn.

Used parts: the root in spring, leaves and seeds in early autumn.

Use: as a condiment: the leaves and / or root powder. Following in infusion of 20 grams per liter of water, a cup after each meal. Infuse the leaves with 30 grams per liter of water, a cup after meals. In infusion of seeds with 30 grams per liter of water, take 2 or 3 cups a day.

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