BLACK blueberries

arándano negro  vaccinium uliginosum

BLACK blueberries (arándano negro  vaccinium uliginosum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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BLACK blueberries
arándano negro  vaccinium uliginosum
The cranberry is black with a small matita lying branches and roots stretch of the way in which leave every year new twigs short. The leaves are small, contained aovada, with the wide at its upper end, enterísimas, glauca in the back with small veins and a way to nets. Are held through a short corner. The flowers are borne on the branches of the previous year and are grouped in racimitos hanging. One grows on slopes of high mountains, especially in the silica - rich and poor in lime.

This herb thrives May onwards, maturing fruit in August or September. The collection for medicinal purposes are interested in the fruit, which tends to collect in late September when enough is enough mature. This berry fruit is a rounded, black, blue and farinaceous flavor, slightly sweet. The analysis reveals facts that the fruit contains high amounts of sugar invested along with smaller quantities of various acids, such as malic acid and tannic.

In terms of its potential therapeutic properties, in almost all the writings referred to its toxic effects with little comment on anything about its potential clinical applications. That does not receive any popular name suggests that the people of field does not pay great attention to this species, no doubt because from generation to generation have been conveying the unpleasant effects of the fruits when they are taken directly from the plant. Thus, it says that eaten in large quantities could cause headache and vomiting. As a medicinal plant is a kind astringent, antiseptic and anti properties. The fruit, fresh - as we have seen before, it often does not consume, but they are prepared with wine and spirits high ranking that is used for certain diseases in which we need to get an astringent effect. In any case it is always best to go to a specialist, who will be diagnosed with it and try our ailments in the best possible way.

Maceration: macerate the fruit in a good wine gives a dye used in catarrhal diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Fresh juice. It is a typical preparation of the Nordic countries. Fresh fruit juice to add plenty of sugar, getting a wine properties similar to those of the blueberry.

Astringent. Palatable. Antidiarrheal.

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