canelo cinnamomum zeylanicum blume

TREE OF THE CINNAMON (canelo cinnamomum zeylanicum blume) - HIPERnatural.COM
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canelo cinnamomum zeylanicum blume
Other Names:

Tree of Canela, Cinamomo.

Was known and used by the Chinese 2500 years before the Christian era, and was appreciated as much as gold. The ancient Egyptians used to embalm the mummies. Cinnamon was also very popular among the people of Israel, and Moses received indication divine using it, along with other spices, in the holy oil with which they had to anoint objects in the sanctuary and was one of cinnamon sacerdotes. La spices which contributed indirectly to the discovery of America, as Columbus left for the west across the Atlantic, thinking that would shorten the route to India, where he brought the cinnamon, among other products valued East. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, cinnamon was the most lucrative spice to the.

Dutch. Cinnamon, which remains very popular for culinary uses, possesses remarkable medicinal effects. Some believe the aphrodisiac, though, the lack of scientific evidence, leads to thinking that perhaps acting on the suggestion.

Habitat: occurs spontaneously and is cultivated in Southeast Asia, especially in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) also in India, Madagascar and tropical regions of South America.

Description: tree of the family of Lauraceae, up to 10 meters in height, whose branches gives a young inner bark brown. Its leaves are large and oval, and flowers of white or yellow. All the plant follows a fragrant aroma.

Used parts: the inner bark of young branches, which once fermented is known as cinnamon.

Properties and indications: The bark of the cinnamon contains essential oil, Cinnamic aldehyde, tannin, terpenes, calcium oxalate, starch and signs of mucilage. The action of these substances as a whole gives digestive properties of tonic stomach and appetizers: increasing the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices, as well as an increase in motility the stomach.

As a result of this tonic of cinnamon on the digestive system, there is an increased appetite and an upgrading of the digestive function as a whole. Their use encourages especially those who suffer from: not hungry, depressed by heavy digestions gastric (stomach extensive) and flatulence because of insufficient gastric juices.

On the contrary, the use of cinnamon is not appropriate for those suffering from peptic ulcer gastroduodenal because this disease is an excess of gastric acid juice, which determines the formation of ulcers.

For its tannin content, cinnamon also has a slight effect astringent.

Use: both the cinnamon stick (bark of young branches of cinnamon) and crushed into powder, is used as a condiment in various culinary preparations. If you want to get a more intense, you can get an infusion with 1 - 2 sticks of about 10 cms. each cinnamon stick, for every cup of water. This infusion it can add a few slices of lemon. Its effectiveness is enhanced if not be sweetened. Take a cup after each meal.

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