myroxylon balsamum

BALSAMO PERU (myroxylon balsamum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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myroxylon balsamum

Latin name: Myroxylon balsamiferum.

Castilian: Balsam of Peru.

French: baumier du Pérou.

English: Balsam of Peru.

Dutch: Perubalsem.

German: Perubalsam.

Italian: Balsamo of Peru.

FAMILY: fabáceas / legiminosas.

ORIGINAL: Central America (San Salvador) and Brazil.

TYPE: tree similar to balsam of Peru.

HEIGHT: Up to 15 m.

BLADES: alternate and petiolated of 7 to 15 leaflets in opposite pairs, with one at the far end. The lower part of the nerve center of the sheet is covered with a yellow pelillos. The leaflets measuring 5 to 6 cm long by 3 wide. They are ovate - lanceolate, round by the base - tipped at the ends with wavy edges.

FLOWERS: hermaphrodites. Long stalk. Numerous. Very intense flavor.

FRUIT: vegetable oblong lanceolate similar to balsam of Tolu. Up to 8 cm. in length. Contains only one seed, the mesocarp.

MAJOR COMPONENTS: Essential oil (up 70%) cinnameína (60%) benzoate, benzyl cinnamate of nerolirol and peruviol. Coumarin, Farnesol, benzoic acid and Cinnamic, vanillin (0. 2%) resin (30%) Small amounts of coumarin.

PROPERTIES: expectorant, balsamic, antiseptic.

DIRECTIONS: bronchial colds, coughs, lung disorders, wounds, sores, burns, frostbite and cracks (external use) contraindications: A high dose irritates the oral mucosa.


The balm of the Pru is thick but not sticky.

In sensitive individuals can cause allergies.

Oral is a gastrointestinal irritant.

Myroxylon name in Greek means "fragrant wood. ".

Before the discovery of America by Columbus, indigenous Peruvians were already using the balsam of Peru. In 1578 Dr. Monarda it narrates as follows: "It enbio to vm a product of a tree that is big profits, and these trees are not found in other land but this is about the size of an oak from those of Castile, is the rind as the mesto, and the road as ash, has many virtues, because made powder the crust, and thrown in any sore, that there must clean it, for being dirty, the clean, then makes crezer meat and very healthy well. scrubbing the teeth with these clean the dust, and placed in the Enzian descarnadas embodies and that squeezes the teeth are going. Tree leaves a fragrant resin that is used to smoke in many evils headache, and plasters in Hazera many ills, woe to the enbio vm. Fructo Del Hazen bevida some Indians, which is very healthy for them vm send to sow holgaria that naciessen, serious thing because a lot of happy, for the profits it has in medicine, and the newness of the tree, porque4 at all times is very nice smell. ".

The name "Balsam of Peru" comes from that was exported from the Peruvian ports, especially from El Callao. Despite all its export is higher in Central America.

To extract its balm practiced small incisions in trees more than 5 years. In these incisions are placed cloths that absorb the balm. Then these panels are subjected to a boil and drain, secánsode the liquid.

A single tree can be exploited 30 years in a row.

Boiled bark used to produce a balm of lesser quality.

It is abundant in Brazil in the so - called Costa del balm.

Due to its content of benzyl benzoate is used in local treatment of parasitic as lice, scabies and some tropical aradores as "rascabonito. ".

PART USED MEDICINAL: The oleoresina or milk that distills the bark of several species.

EXTERNAL ROUTE: Ointments, solutions, emulsions.

OIL ANTIPARASITARIO: 1 part calendula oil, 1 part almond oil, 1 part of castor oil, 3 parts of balsam of Peru. Apply three times a day for three days.

ANTIPARASITARIA ointment: Balsam of Peru (15 deg. Castor oil (10 deg. Vaseline (75 deg.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Dye, solutions, ointments, emulsions, in topical use.


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