
arachis hypogaea

Peanut (arachis hypogaea) - HIPERnatural.COM
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arachis hypogaea
Legume family.

Plant Description tussock grass, erect, of 50 - 90 cm. tall. the leaves are made up of four segments oval, sessile, peers and fitted compound of a long petiole; in the armpit is available to the flower. The flowers have a tubular calyx and corolla composed of vexilo, wings and keel. The petals are yellow, with a series of red streaks. The stalk of the ovary is stretched to put the fruit into the soil. The fruit is in turn composed of a closed pod, which contains up to four seeds, rough and fibrous. The plant prefers the warm humid climate, but also fruit in the temperate zone. It is cultivated. Silvestre, comes from plantations. Is harvested in September. The fruits used parts.

Amide chemical compounds, sugars, choline, araquina, oil, protein, betaine.

Nutrition, fludificantes. Instructions for use flour.

Note This species has been used massively in order to obtain an industrial oil, in food and pharmacy as anticolesterolémico. It is often adultery with sesame oil and cotton. The oil is composed of oleic acid, palmitic, stearic, Araque, mírstico and ligocérico. With seed toast is made a coffee. The flour is used widely in the manufacture of preparations for diabetics, biscuits and nougats.

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