parmentiera aculeata

CUAJILOTE (parmentiera aculeata) - HIPERnatural.COM
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parmentiera aculeata
Parmentiera aculeata DC. Fam. Bignoniaceae.

This tree is used as a laxative and diuretic is recommended, too, to treat kidney ailments and their treatment includes the fruit, bark, flowers and roots, which are boiled and eaten as a tea. In other cases such as calculations and urinary tract, is effective grinding and eating the fruit extract or asarlo and eat it. Besides the cooking of the flower, root or fruit, it is a good diuretic. Also used for other diseases such as asthma, garraspera, cough and colds, the flowers are boiled with tejocote and sweetened drink warm fasting for two weeks.

Tree 4 to 12 m in height, trunk with thick crust cracked split with thorns and leaves. Their flowers come out of the trunk or at the ends of the branches, fruit and stem elongated. Lives in warm climates, temperate and semi. It grows in gardens and is associated with the tropical deciduous and evergreen forest; Xeric scrublands, mountain cloud forests of oak and pine.

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