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Tonic and calming the nerves. Antimicrobial. Digestive, antiputrefactive. Dolores nervous headaches. Dizziness. Antirheumatic and anti - inflammatory. Balsamic.

It is a woody plant stems, up to 60 cm tall, leafless at the bottom, they are narrow and elongated, with rounded edge, green - gray, present throughout the year. The flowers are forming spikes (each flower protected by a pair of leaves) in the last portion of the stems. The color of the petals, purple, is very characteristic, and since they often find lots of copies together, the set of all the flowers gives a unique color to the fields. If we add the pleasant aroma that release, the sensation can be quite pleasant. His name is also 1avanda.

LOCATION: It is a plant itself from the Mediterranean and northwest of India. It grows exclusively in limestone terrain, sunny.

ACTIVE: We refer, undoubtedly, to the wealth of the whole plant, essentially, that, according to the parties (which is more accumulates in the flowers) ranges between 1 and 6%, to be its majority component linalol also contains tannins glycosides and saponins.

Medicinal properties: The lavender is antiseptic, digestive, diuretic, stimulating and healing. It is a good digestive tonic that fights the flatus and heavy digestions.

COLLECTION: We are interested in the plant when the flowering is at its highest point, because although the active ingredients are found throughout the plant, is in the flowers where they are concentrated in larger quantities. By then, usually in midsummer, we can cut the upper parts of the plant (no need for the cut at ground level) ie the part of the stem that carries the flowers, covered with leaves.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: Besides industrial applications in the production of perfumes, colognes and other products such as flavoring cosmetics, as a medicinal herb is very useful in the home. The infusion of 50 grams of flowering twigs in a liter of water will serve as a diuretic, such as digestive or against the evils of the throat (cough, sore throat, difficulty swallowing) for this purpose will take three cups a day. This same liquid can be applied on the wounds and sores with gauze soaked and subject with a bandage. As a general toning and activator of movement, you can add a few flowering branches to the bath water, very hot. The alcohol of lavender is also useful for friction sore areas of the body. It is prepared with about 100 grams of lavender that are left macerate in a liter of alcohol for nine days, once filtered, and can be used.

Although it has certain medicinal properties, the plant is popularly known for its extracts used in perfumes, colognes and to prepare for the perfume called "lavender".

Plant lavender, with details of their heads, and flower petals. Is mainly used in the perfume industry, but also has medicinal properties, as its infusion is diuretic, digestive and helps combat the sore throat, and the alcohol that is produced with it serves to friction areas sore.

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