marrubium vulgare

MARRUBIO WHITE (marrubium vulgare) - HIPERnatural.COM
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marrubium vulgare
He lives in sterile sites, ruins and surrounding rural homes. 50 to 60 centimeters high, oval leaves, Vella, and small white flowers. Is open from June to September.

Collection: before and after flowering.

Part used: the sumidades.

Properties: anti - fever, antiseptic, regulator of the heart.

Directions: fevers or intestinal infectious; colibacillosis; infections of the blood; paratyphus and typhus, gastric fevers, fevers pathways in the liver or the bile, malaria, fever of Malta; tubercu1osos of fever, weakness, convalescence. Shortens the duration of typhoid fever; regularize the working of the heart when there is irregular pulse e1.

Use: tea prepared with 20 grams per liter, a cup every two hours. Tincture: 10 to 40 drops a day.

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