C / O

byrsonima crassifolia

C / O (byrsonima crassifolia) - HIPERnatural.COM
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C / O
byrsonima crassifolia
Introduction: This tree grows in most tropical countries of America. The part that is mainly used in folk medicine is the crust, since by their astringent properties are used by the cook (to use it as water) as antidiarrheal, is also used for infections in the matrix and inflammation in the ovaries and other types of digestive disorders such as diarrhea and stomach pain. On the other are well known properties Nance to cure ailments of the skin like scabies, skin rash and injuries through the use of cooking done with it and pieces of cedar bark, has also proved effective in strengthening the gums, relieve pain waist, chills and snake bites.

Tree 4 to 9 meters in height with leaves and flowers in elongated clusters of yellow - red. Globose fruits are the size of a chickpea. Lives in places with warmer climates, semi and mild. In Mexico, Nanchen is associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, subperennifolia and evergreen; Xeric scrublands and forests of oak and pine.

In Central America and Panama takes a very refreshing drink that is made from the pulp of nance.

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