phitolacca dioica .

OMBU (phitolacca dioica .) - HIPERnatural.COM
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phitolacca dioica .
Names: "umbú"; "dwelt lawén" (default choice) in tongue - araucano pampa, "calamaic", "kalmáik", "guatrá" in Toba, "jakalamáik" of the Toba language Vilela, "belombra".

Spain: "Umbu", "beautiful - shade, " ceboleiro " (by smell like onion that emerges when the cattle trampled)

Brazil: "Beautiful Shadow, " according to Bailey.

Geographical distribution and habitat: It is located in southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina (Misiones, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Chaco, Formosa, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires) grows in cutting and quebrachales of Chaco and Mesopotamia, xerophytic forests in the river Paraná and platense.

Brief description of the plant: Tree dioecious 8 - 10 (18) m tall with trunk that becomes very thick and very commonly hollow with thick crust and spongy. Sheets outdated, broadly elliptical, plus or minus 12 cm. long and 6 - 8 cm. wide, glabrous, whole, with rounded base and acute apex. White flowers arranged in clusters of about 10 cm pendulums. long. Fruits, berries depressed, lobed, with yellowish - green carpels 7 - 10. Black seeds, striated. Flowers in November, the men's feet before the feminine.

Uses and part used: The leaves are used as an emetic, purgative, dramatic, febrífugo; antiseptic, astringent and vulnerary for external use. The campaign produced soaps with ash. It is an ornamental plant and shade. In Brazil the use against foot and mouth disease in cattle.

Isolated chemical components:

In h: quercetin, ombuína.

cr: fitolaccina.

fr: sucrose, acid fitoláctico.

or: routine, Ombu, 28, 30 - dicarboxioleano.

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