pimpinella saxifraga

PIMPINELA_BLANCA (pimpinella saxifraga) - HIPERnatural.COM
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pimpinella saxifraga
Family: Umbelíferas.

Description: Grass provided with fibrous roots and stems axonomorfa striatum, erect, fragile. The leaves are pinnate, obtuse, toothed or pinnatosectas. The flowers are grouped in umbels apical with more than ten pentapétalos radios and stamens that exceed the length of the corolla. The fruit, oval, is striated and crushed. Very common in the fields, in the rubble, along the trails from the plains to the hills. The stem reaches a height of about one meter. Is collected in autumn.

Used parts: The root.

Chemical compounds: Pimpinelina, salts, essentially, pectin, tannin.

Properties: Emenagoga, colagoga, diuretic.

Preparation: Decoction, powders, dyeing, fluid extract, syrup.

Of interest: The name comes from the observation that the root manages to infiltrate the cracks between the stones and made to think that possessing the ability to solubilise carbonates (saxafrango, breaking stones) Thus was used as litóntrica. However, it is useful in cases of liver failure, and external application, in lotions to the skin aging. Used regularly, dyeing, it is advisable in cases of inappetence. Distilled water is used as eye drops. The young leaves are mixed in salads as a flavoring, for its resemblance to the taste of parsley.

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