polygonatum officinale

POLIGONATO (polygonatum officinale) - HIPERnatural.COM
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polygonatum officinale
Family: Liliaceae.

Description: Perennial herbaceous plant, about 40 cm. tall, bearing bulky horizontal rhizome and numerous adventitious roots. Stem upright, angular, with a lower case. The leaves are sessile, some amplexicaules, alternate, elliptic in shape, with the apex acute paralelinervias, page top of light green and blue green interior. The flowers are solitary and available in the armpit of the leaves with a stalk inclined. The perianths is tubular, swollen at the base, white, finished in six Licinia ovadas green. The fruit is a berry globosa black. It grows spontaneously in the forests of the mountains average. Is collected in autumn and spring.

Used parts: Rhizome.

Chemical compounds: mucilage, tannin, calcium oxalate, saponin, asparagine.

Properties: resolvent, hemolytic, hipoglucemizante.

Recommendation for use: Infusion, enolito, liparolito, oleolito.

Interesting: The rhizome is as effective as the tincture of arnica to be used as antiequimótico. This same action is obtained by applying cataplasms based rhizome. Also in action ointments are prepared vulnerable. The berries should not be used at all, since they are extremely poisonous.

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