ortosifón  orthosiphon stamineus

TEA FOR JAVA (ortosifón  orthosiphon stamineus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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ortosifón  orthosiphon stamineus
Other Names:

Java tea.

Plant native to Southeast Asia to Australia and tropical America. Also known as Java tea. Used leaves and flowering tops.

It is not known very well the active principles responsible for their actions. Have been found essential oil, minerals rich in potassium, tannins, saponins, hill, betaíina, and a heterósidos (the ortosifonina)

It is above all a good diuretic, promoting the elimination of chlorides, some considered him too antilitiasico, although as with all diuretics not recommended for prolonged use. It is also colagogo, reduce cholesterol and antispasmodic.

Indicated in kidney stones, kidney sclerosis, uric acid, edema, hepato - renal diseases, and so on.

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