
Disease information

Atherosclerosis - HIPERnatural.COM
2000 - 2013 © HIPERnatural.COM

Disease caused by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, hampering the normal passage of oxygen and nutrients materials to the various areas of the human body.

It is the most important cause of heart attacks and strokes, as well as problems of the brain (or early vascular dementia, stroke or stroke)

The onset may be at 30 years but may continue until 45.

It is more common in men.

After menopause, women have the same risk index (before protect the female hormones)


Fatty tissue that builds up from youth in the inner layers of vessels, causing inflammation and its deposit of calcium, reducing the elasticity and the size of them interfering with blood flow.

Signs and symptoms.

Not usually appear until it is well advanced.

The most characteristic symptoms depend on the body part most affected and the extent of it.

Angina and heart attack are obvious signs of damage caused by atherosclerosis.

Other diseases that result from the disruption of the blood vessels of the brain and kidney.

Risk Factors.



Adults older than 60 years.






Sedentary life.


Family history of atherosclerosis.


Reducing risk factors:

No smoking.

Diet low in animal fats and rich in unsaturated fats.

Regular physical exercise.

Reduce stress.

Scrupulously follow medication in case of diabetes or hypertension.

Diagnosis and Treatment.

DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis is made by clinical, biochemical, electrocardiogram, exercise tolerance test and other affected depending on the device.

The final diagnosis is made through angiorradiología.

Will be carried out additional tests to diagnose potential risk factors, such as a blood glucose test.


The treatment of risk factors is essential, controlling hypertension, diabetes, abnormal lipids,

The surgical treatment is recommended in cases of high risk.

This is done through angioplasty, bypass or endarterectomy, with or without implantation of a stent. ".

The line of inquiry that can produce better results in future will be the replacement gene in affected areas.


With this disease are advised to follow the following diets:

Diet low in salt "broad".

Strict diet low in salt.

Low - fat diet (protection biliopancreatic - pancreatic)




Kidney and eye diseases.

Congestive heart failure.

Disturbances of heart rhythm.

Sudden death.


It is a disease which is known more every day.

Medication and hygienic measures and proper treatment can prolong life for many years, but remains one of the worst diseases with long - term consequences.

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