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Etimológicamente, menopause means definitive disappearance of the rule. Nevertheless, it is not possible to be spoken properly of menopause this until it has not spent a year of amenorrhoea.

Before the arrival of the menopause it takes place a period of irregular and less frequent rules: the premenopause or perimenopausia.

Although great variations can take place (between 45 and 60 years) their appearance turns around the 52 years, life expectancy that was reached at the end of century XIX At the end of this century, the menopause represented a key stage in the existence of the woman.

There is no scientific criterion that can make anticipate its appearance: it is generally of familiar and hereditary character. "Of such mother, such daughter". Anyway, it does not seem to depend on the appearance of the first rule, of the number of pregnancies, nor of the taking of the contraceptive pill.


He would be interesting to remember that the menopause is not a disease. One is a common physiological process all the women whom a stage of its lives marks.

It can go associate to a good number of disagreeable symptoms that they can be seen worsened for psychological or sociological reasons. Although the physiological modifications are the same ones in all the women, it agrees to stand out that the annoyances can vary much from a case to another one, reason why has a noticeable individual and nonsystematic character.

What happens from the hormonal point of view?

The normal menstrual cycle is divided in two phases:

• follicular Phase.

• luteínica Phase.

During first stage, FSH secretion takes place (folículoestimulante hormone) that favors the development of the follicle for their later ovum transformation that is freed towards day 14 of the cycle, agreeing with the increase of LH (luteinizante hormone) It is the moment of the ovulation and the beginning of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

The estrogens are high during the follicular phase under the stimulus of the FSH and descend something during the luteínica phase, during which it increases the concentration of progesterone.

From the hormonal point of view, perimenopausia is characterized by a diminution in the progesterone production. The cycles are more and more irregular. With regard to the rule, this one is more and more delayed (espanomenorrea) weaker (hipomenorrea) or more abundant (irregular or continuous hemorrhages) To each rule it precedes a premenstrual syndrome to him.

The menopause indicates to the end of the secretion of estrogens giving rise to the specific upheavals of the same one.

Clinical signs.

1. Phase of appearance or perimenopausia.

Let us remember that the term of "premenopause" is already in disuse, being used in its place the one of perimenopausia. For that reason, in the present volume we will speak always of perimenopausia.

In general, perimenopausia lasts of 2 to 3 years, and even sometimes up to 8. As we finished seeing, it always goes accompanied of irregularities in the cycle and the rule, as well as of premenstrual syndromes. These symptoms can go accompanied of an increase of weight.

2. The menopause.

The menopause is characterized by the disappearance, sometimes brutal, of the rule. Most habitual it is than one takes place of progressive form, throughout several years.

Upheavals related to the hormonal deficiency:

• the classic sofocos affect to 1 of each 2 women. Their heat symptoms, abrupt sensation during some minutes and abundant followed sweats of a cold sensation, are annoying, although they are amused with time.

• Dryness of the mucous: these are more well - known at genital level. The lubrication absence can make difficult the sexual relations. Before this lack of lubrication, the result is a evolution towards the vaginal atrophy.

• neurovegetativos Upheavals:

Palpitaciones, migraines, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, insomnia.

Osteoporosis: it is the manifestation of the postmenopáusica bony desmineralización, had to the lack of estrogens that act regulating the osteoclástica action of the PTH (paratohormona) She is asintomática until the appearance of the fractures.

• Aterosclerosis: the hormonal cycles protect the woman of the cardiovascular risk. After the menopause, the coronary and vascular risk tends to increase and to worsen with the age. As of this moment, the woman loses her natural protection acquiring the same risk of mortality that the man.

Complementary bioquimicos analyses.

The menopause is an essentially clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless, the concrete hormonal situation by means of the following valuations can be known:

• Estradiol.

• FSH and LH.

• PRL (prolactose)

It agrees to have present that the hormonal state varies much based on the reach of the menopáusico process: in the beginning, an increase of FSH and LH as a result of a reduction of estradiol and the rest of sexual hormones takes place. In the period of confirmed menopause, frotis vaginal presents / displays typical characteristics (round cells with a great parabasal nucleus)


Classic treatment.

The classic treatment associates:

to a hormonal treatment to restore the balance estro - progestin, own function of.


b Tonic venous.

Sedative cs and even, sometimes, ansiolíticos.


Following that same scheme, the fitoterapia responds to the objectives of the treatment very well.

The vegetal world also tells on compound of related or similar structures esteroideas hormones. Mainly they are of estrogénico type: Alfalfa, Eleuterococo, Lúpulo, Ginseng, Salvia. Those of type progesterone they are much more little (Zarzaparrilla)

Most of venous tonics they are of vegetal origin: Cypress, Rusco, Milenrama, red Grapevine.

Numerous plants of sedative effect exist: Hawthorn to albar, Poppy, Poppy of California, Pasiflora, Valeriana.

Plants adapted for this disease.






Poppy of California.




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