Premenstrual Syndrome

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Premenstrual Syndrome - HIPERnatural.COM
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Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome.


One is the set of functional manifestations that take place during the 4 days previous to the rule. These manifestations disappear when the rule finalizes, becoming to show every month cyclical.

If it is certain that from the 70 to 90% of the women they feel premenstrual changes, only from the 20 to 40% they really feel an authentic physical and / or psychological annoyance. This restricted group is the one that really presents / displays a premenstrual syndrome. The severe upheavals with modification of the behavior and alteration in the relations with other people affect around 5 - 10% of the women.

Recent studies (1996) reveal that the Asian population, great nourishing product consumer derived from the soybean, to the being compared with populations of certain western countries, possibly has menstrual but long cycles due to a greater contribution of isoflavonas, and in addition they have minor tendency to develop to cancer of chest. The shortening of the menstrual cycle implies an important exhibition but to endogenous estrogens and therefore a greater risk of cancer of chest.

Clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of genisteína (isoflavona that is in the soybean) in symptoms that appear during the menopause (sofocos, osteoporosis. Isoflavonas of soybean significantly increases the duration of the follicular phase, delaying the progesterone tip (this will be necessary to have it in account for the pharmaceutical advice)

Clinical signs.

It agrees to indicate the extreme variability of the stated symptoms. They have been described more than one hundred signs than they can vary much from a woman to another one, also can be different in the same woman.

Next we will enumerate most habitual.

1. Edematosas congestivas manifestations.

• the water retention by hiperestrogenia affects several parts of the body.

• the sines increase of volume, they become hardened and they become very sensible to the pain. The mastalgia is regulated by the menstrual cycle.

• the abdomen is swollen, concretely the abdomino - pelvic zone.

• the liquid retention affects extremities, face, fingers, ankles. Also an increase of weight can take place, often sobrestimado by the patients. Generally, he is very moderate and it contrasts with the noticeable sensation of swelling. The functional venous upheavals are translated in sensation of heavy legs and appearance of varices. The set can give the impression of a cleared silhouette.

2. Neuropsíquicos signs.

The modifications of the behavior are frequent, with irritability, nervousness, often accompanied by a certain aggressiveness and tendency to the controversy. Depresivas manifestations with crisis of weeping, sadness and depression. The hiperemotividad and hypersensitivity lead to a greater emotional fragility.

3. Neurovegetativos signs.

They are diverse and inconstantes. Premenstrual migraines or migrañas. Upheavals of the intestinal transit: constipation or diarrea, nauseas. Upheavals of the dream, palpitaciones, herpes labial, acne, seborrea. Also they can appear urinary, respiratory upheavals and osteo - you will articulate.


Starting off of the mentioned clinical signs, a diagnosis by means of the cumplimentación of a questionnaire settles down to which great attention must be lent. The relation phamacist - patient is, in this case, fundamental.

Let us remember that, to respond to the definition of premenstrual syndrome, they are as they will be the produced upheavals, these must disappear with the rule.

It is not necessary to make a hormonal exploration although, could be carried out a valuation of estradiol, progesterone, prolactose, LH and FSH.

Let us remember that the thermal curve allows to verify the ovulation and to appreciate the life of the ovarian corpus luteum.


1. Hygienic - dietetic advice.

To reduce to the stress and the causes of the nervous tension (technical of relaxation - yoga - rest - distraction) To feed itself healthily: to distribute the nutritional contribution throughout the day. To modify the nutritional habits incorporating to the diet the soybean consumption. To avoid the fast sugar ingestion. To limit the salt consumption. To suppress to the exciting products and the alcohol in the premenstrual period.

2. Bases for the treatment.

• Hay to fight the hydric infiltration of the interstitial space: this it is the paper of the smooth diuréticos, in short treatments, accompanied by a reduction of the consumption of salt and the contribution of liquid. Also it is the paper of venous tonics at level of the inferior members.

• Hay to fight the nervousness, irritability, etc. by means of sedatives.

Hormonal the chemical treatment is not systematic. For his prescription, it can resort to the progesterone or the progestins of synthesis.

3. Fitoterapia.

We could use desinfiltrantes diuréticas plants: Birch, Vellosilla, Tooth of lion. Plants of sedative action: Hawthorn to albar, Poppy, Poppy of California, Lúpulo, Pasiflora, Valeriana. Venotónicas plants: Cypress, Rusco, Chestnut tree of Indians, red Grapevine.

Diuréticas plants.

Its purpose is to reduce the infiltration of the interstitial space and to diminish edema.

Sedative plants.

The plants of sedative effect are numerous and effective: hawthorn to albar, poppy, poppy of California, pasiflora and valeriana.

Plants with venotónica activity.

They are numerous and very active.

Plants adapted for this disease.



Red grapevine.

Chestnut tree of Indians.


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