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The obesity is defined as an excess of greasy weave, that entails a ponderal overload superior to a 15% with relation to the "ideal weight". Overweight speech when an excess of weight between 10 is had and a 15% with respect to the ideal weight. Being the ideal weight that that statistically provides a longer life expectancy.

The excess of weight is a real factor of risk when it exceeds 30 % Generally. this fact usually happens in adult people. This overweight can lead to an increase of the appearance frequency of other diseases, like cardiovascular accidents, hypertension, diabetes, hiperlipidemia, artrosis.

This it is the point important to fight the overweight, independently of the aesthetic aspect.

Physiological References.

At the moment at which the caloric contribution is superior to the power cost, the excess is stored. The storage of energy in the organism becomes under two forms:

• In form of glycogen, stored in the liver and muscles, and thus glucídicas set up a reserve.

• In form of triglicéridos (fatty acids + glicerol) stored in the fatty weave, lipídicas set up a reserve.

The fatty weave is formed essentially by adipocitos and water. In the adipocito two types of processes under hormonal influence take place:

• the lipogénesis and the lipolisis.

Physiological References.

The lipogénesis is translated by the storage of fatty acids in form of triglicéridos (3 fatty acids together with 1 glicerol) The fatty acids coming from our feeding are transported by sanguineous route and penetrate passively in the adipocito. In order to become a storage form (triglicérido) they are due to unite, in the adipocito, to a glucose molecule transformed into glicerol. The glucose only penetrates in the cell through the specific membrane receivers activated by the insulin.

The insulin is the hormone of the lipogénesis. It is secreted proportionally before any nutritional sugar contribution. The fat storage in the adipocito only can take place in the presence of insulin.

Physiological References.

The lipolisis is a complex process that consists of "breaking" the fat stored in the adipocito by means of an enzyme that is trigliceril - lipasa. This enzyme acts on the fat (in form of triglicéridos) disturbing it in fatty acids and glicerol and thus can be released of the adipocito. This enzyme activates after a cascade of intracellular enzymatic reactions, triggered by the union of the adrenalin to its membrane receiver. In normal conditions the adrenalin once secreted is destroyed quickly by the O - metiltransferasa that conditions the duration of its life and therefore its activity.

Physiological References.

The lipolisis and the lipogénesis are alternated constantly according to the necessities of our organism. Both depend:

• Of the nutritional caloric contributions and the caloric cost that we do;

• Of the control of the insulin and the adrenalin.

In addition, this balance is regulated at hipotalámico level. The lipogénesis is high - priority on the lipolisis since the insulin has a predominant activity on the one of the adrenalin. This means that:

• the lipolisis cannot take place more than in insulin secretion absence, therefore when fast sugar with the feeding does not interfere;

• the lipids will only be able to be stored in the presence of glucose.


1. "Classic" Medicines.

Tiroídeas Hormones.

Formerly, some doctors recommended for the treatment of the east overweight type of products since glúcidos produce an increase in the basal metabolism of, lipids and proteins, inducing a fast thinning. However, the indications accepted for the therapeutic use of tiroideas hormones are hipotiroidismo and simple goiter, where they act available like an important therapy before the tiroidea hypofunction. Still in these cases, they must be used with precaution and taking care of suitable posológicas guidelines because they have numerous indirect effect as they are: heat, cardiac hyperactivity, tremor, perspiration, disquiet, nervousness, muscular weakness and insomnia.


They are medicines that have a chemical formula anfetamínica type. They act on the hypothalamus causing sensation of satiety with which the appetite is diminished consequently and the ingestion and the weight. This effect usually is temporary, that is to say, they are effective during the first weeks. For that reason, they are used in some cases, like psychological support in the beginning of the treatment and always by prescription and strict medical checkup. Due to its action on the central nervous system (SNC) they can produce nervousness, irritability and insomnia, followed of fatigue and depression. And, by its action at peripheral level, tachycardia, palpitaciones and increase of the arterial pressure. They present / display farmacodependencia and effect bounces.


The diuréticos at the same time eliminate liquids of our organism that certain minerals. They can cause electrolytic problems. In addition, the organism recovers the eliminated water immediately just by to take a drink. However, the diuréticos can be useful in certain cases, but always they must be used under medical checkup.


We can use lipolíticas plants with mucílago like Fuco and Ispágula, plants with tannins as green Tea, plants like Efedra and green Te', and diuréticas plants like Abedul and Ortosifón.

Rich plants in mucílago.

Ways of action.

The mucílagos are polisacáridos complex or cyclical macro - molecules, nonassimilable, very hidrofílicas, that are in the seaweed and the external tegumentos of certain seeds. They have the property to swell themselves with the water and to give rise to colloidal solutions or voluminous gels that can include a part of digestive secretions and foods. The formation of this gel causes two types of effects on the alimentary canal:

• Blast effects:

At gastric level, the formation of the voluminous gel accompanies by a sensation of fullness and satiety. Therefore, this property takes advantage of to produce a mechanical saciante effect and to diminish therefore the appetite.

At intestinal level, the formation of a voluminous gel produces an increase of the fecal skittle that stimulates the intestinal peristaltismo obtaining an improvement of the intestinal transit. By this mechanism it is recommended in the treatment of the constipation and case of sluggish intestine.

• Effects on the absorption.

the assimilation of fats and included sugars is diminished since to the being in the gel the absorption of these is diminished, with which it obtains that the caloric assimilation also is reduced.

We know that the cholesterol forms, among other things, from the biliary salts, and that these are eliminated in very small amount since they follow the cycle enterohepático. In the presence of the mucílagos, the absorption of the biliary salts is diminished since they are included in the formed mucilaginoso gel with the liquids. This causes that the enterohepático cycle is broken diminishing the absorption of biliary acids and taking place a greater increase of its elimination by fecal route. This process can affect of indirect form at the sanguineous cholesterol levels, diminishing this last one.

On sugars, the mucílagos cause that those are absorbed more slowly; therefore, a diminution of the insulin secretion takes place, which prevents the storage of fatty acids in the adipocitos.

Plants with tannins.

Way of action.

The tannins have polifenólica structure, the condensed ones are polymeric flavínicos of unit catecol condensed. These molecules have the property to be combined with complex proteins forming indisociable. In the alimentary canal, they are combined with the digestive enzymes (proteases, amylases, lipasas) that as already we know are proteins and form with tannins complexes that inhibit their activity. These phenomena by establishments of connections due to bridges of hydrogen and forces of Van der Waals are explained. When being these inhibited enzymes, the nutrients ingested with the feeding cannot be transformed, in their totality, forms but elementary absorbibles by the enterocito. Therefore, the tannins can act diminishing the absorption of a part of the nutrients, mainly glúcidos and lipids (molecules of greater size)

The green Tea is used (leaf) that by means of its tannins, most catéquicos, diminish the assimilation of the glúcidos ones and ingested lipids. This can give rise to a smaller secretion of insulin and a smaller fat storage in the adipocitos.

Lipolíticas Plants.

Way of action.

The lipolíticas plants act at level of the adipocito favoring the destruction and elimination of fats of the same one. For it, they indirectly stimulate trigliceril - lipasa that is going to break the triglicéridos ones, that since or we have indicated previously are their form of storage, in fatty acids and glicerol, molecules that in that form can or be released.

Diuréticas Plants.

Some authors praise to recommend the use of plants with diuréticas properties, at the beginning of the treatment. This is justified when the ponderal overload is associate to a bad circulation in the inferior members, with a sensation of "slowness of legs", or when it is wanted that the psychological state of the person is favorable, since the loss of liquid will also be translated in a sensation of diminution of the stature. It is not necessary to forget, like has said previously, that this will be fleeting, and it will become to recover the liquid with new drink ingestions.

They are used, generally in association with lipolíticas plants, the following species:

Birch (leaf) that thanks to a terpénico alcohol (betulinol) and to certain flavonoides, has smooth diuréticas properties.

Ortosifón (leaf) to be able diurético that increases the excreción of urea and chlorides, is used frequently like helping in thinning treatments. The use of this plant in the short and mid term lacks toxicity.


We can use lipolíticas plants with mucílago like Fuco and Ispágula, plants with tannins as green Tea, plants like Efedra and green Te', and diuréticas plants like Abedul and Ortosifón.

Rich plants in mucílago.

Ways of action.

The mucílagos are polisacáridos complex or cyclical macro - molecules, nonassimilable, very hidrofílicas, that are in the seaweed and the external tegumentos of certain seeds. They have the property to swell themselves with the water and to give rise to colloidal solutions or voluminous gels that can include a part of digestive secretions and foods. The formation of this gel causes two types of effects on the alimentary canal:

• Blast effects:

At gastric level, the formation of the voluminous gel accompanies by a sensation of fullness and satiety. Therefore, this property takes advantage of to produce a mechanical saciante effect and to diminish therefore the appetite.

At intestinal level, the formation of a voluminous gel produces an increase of the fecal skittle that stimulates the intestinal peristaltismo obtaining an improvement of the intestinal transit. By this mechanism it is recommended in the treatment of the constipation and case of sluggish intestine.

• Effects on the absorption.

the assimilation of fats and included sugars is diminished since to the being in the gel the absorption of these is diminished, with which it obtains that the caloric assimilation also is reduced.

We know that the cholesterol forms, among other things, from the biliary salts, and that these are eliminated in very small amount since they follow the cycle enterohepático. In the presence of the mucílagos, the absorption of the biliary salts is diminished since they are included in the formed mucilaginoso gel with the liquids. This causes that the enterohepático cycle is broken diminishing the absorption of biliary acids and taking place a greater increase of its elimination by fecal route. This process can affect of indirect form at the sanguineous cholesterol levels, diminishing this last one.

On sugars, the mucílagos cause that those are absorbed more slowly; therefore, a diminution of the insulin secretion takes place, which prevents the storage of fatty acids in the adipocitos.

Plants with tannins.

Way of action.

The tannins have polifenólica structure, the condensed ones are polymeric flavínicos of unit catecol condensed. These molecules have the property to be combined with complex proteins forming indisociable. In the alimentary canal, they are combined with the digestive enzymes (proteases, amylases, lipasas) that as already we know are proteins and form with tannins complexes that inhibit their activity. These phenomena by establishments of connections due to bridges of hydrogen and forces of Van der Waals are explained. When being these inhibited enzymes, the nutrients ingested with the feeding cannot be transformed, in their totality, forms but elementary absorbibles by the enterocito. Therefore, the tannins can act diminishing the absorption of a part of the nutrients, mainly glúcidos and lipids (molecules of greater size)

The green Tea is used (leaf) that by means of its tannins, most catéquicos, diminish the assimilation of the glúcidos ones and ingested lipids. This can give rise to a smaller secretion of insulin and a smaller fat storage in the adipocitos.

Lipolíticas Plants.

Way of action.

The lipolíticas plants act at level of the adipocito favoring the destruction and elimination of fats of the same one. For it, they indirectly stimulate trigliceril - lipasa that is going to break the triglicéridos ones, that since or we have indicated previously are their form of storage, in fatty acids and glicerol, molecules that in that form can or be released.

Diuréticas Plants.

Some authors praise to recommend the use of plants with diuréticas properties, at the beginning of the treatment. This is justified when the ponderal overload is associate to a bad circulation in the inferior members, with a sensation of "slowness of legs", or when it is wanted that the psychological state of the person is favorable, since the loss of liquid will also be translated in a sensation of diminution of the stature. It is not necessary to forget, like has said previously, that this will be fleeting, and it will become to recover the liquid with new drink ingestions.

They are used, generally in association with lipolíticas plants, the following species:

Birch (leaf) that thanks to a terpénico alcohol (betulinol) and to certain flavonoides, has smooth diuréticas properties.

Ortosifón (leaf) to be able diurético that increases the excreción of urea and chlorides, is used frequently like helping in thinning treatments. The use of this plant in the short and mid term lacks toxicity.

Plants adapted for this disease.



Green tea.




Garcinia cambogia.






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