Peripheral arterial disease

Disease information

Peripheral arterial disease - HIPERnatural.COM
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Peripheral arterial disease
In the Peripheral Arterial Disease, it is a problem that is generated by the lack of flow in the blood within the arteries that take to blood to muscles and organs of the body.

It mainly must to the fat accumulation within the walls of the arteries or blood vessels that narrow or block to the passage of time, causing an obstruction that can cause that the blood does not flow of suitable form.

The peripheral arterial disease can cause obstructions in the brain, the arms, the kidneys and the legs.

The main manifestation or symptom is the call giving up, is to say to pains in pantorrilla or muscles of the thigh, after to have walked a certain distance not very long. The pain usually disappears after resting a little and it happens generally almost always the same.

The pain or giving up must at that does not arrive sufficient blood to a muscle when is in movement, and usually is because the artery goes away narrowed and it does not let pass the amount sufficient and necessary to make his work.

Between the factors of risk for the giving up, that is the pain legs, is:

the high pressure.

the diabetes.

the high cholesterol.

the tabaquismo.

the age outpost.

having antecedents of aterosclerosis in other arteries, as in the arteries of the heart or the brain.

having antecedents of attack to the heart or spills cerebral.

IMPORTANT: The content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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