brionia bryonia dioica

GRAPES OF LIZARD (brionia bryonia dioica) - HIPERnatural.COM
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brionia bryonia dioica
Other Names:

Turnip del Diablo, Black Walnut, Walnut, Parra Zarzalera, grape Lizards, Vina Blanca.

The tender shoots of this plant in spring, can be consumed like asparagus. But we must be careful because the root and are poisonous. These lanterns and persist until the autumn, after which the whole plant is dry - do. Even the birds eat. It should know how to distinguish the Brioni of sarsaparilla, whose fruits are edible and that it medicinal. This is acknowledged to have thorns on its stem and heart - shaped leaves.

Habitat: Common in hedgerows and forests of central and southern Europe, especially near the shores of rivers. It is also found in the Americas.

Description: climbing plant of the family of Cucurbits, which reaches up to 3 meters in height. The leaves are 5 lobes, and along with them, leaving a few tendrils with which adheres to other plants and trees. The flowers are white or blue, and the fruits are some red berries.

Used parts: the root.

Properties and indications: the root of Brioni is a very large turnip, which reaches to the size of a human head. It is very irritating to the skin. It contains a resin and an alkaloid (the brionina) which make it a drastic purgative. Formerly was used in cases of cerebral congestion and dropsy, but because it causes diarrhea, other remedies are used today more gentle.

Use: traditionally has been used as a laxative root drastic, but now has fallen into disuse for vigorous action.

Precautions: The red berries of this plant are highly toxic and can even prove fatal. In case of poisoning (unlikely, because they are very irritating and practically inedible) it is necessary to induce vomiting, administer charcoal and move urgently to a hospital.

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