catharanthus roseus

VICAR (catharanthus roseus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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catharanthus roseus
Other common names.

Madagascar, Dominica, Violeta white Chavelita.

Botanical family.



Woody grass, well branched, up to 80 cm. tall. Opposite dark green leaves, shiny on top, cutting petiolated. relatively large flowers, axillary, solitary or in small groups; corolla of variable coloration, white and purple. The fruit is a follicle, dehiscent, green Carmelite to mature, containing many seeds black.


Natural de Madagascar (south - eastern Africa) currently spread across tropical regions around the world.


Cultivated as ornamental and medicinal properties. Break of the crop in coastal sandy land in and around public roads and paths.

Useful part.

The flowers.

Form collection.

Take flowers with petals deployed (horizontal) independent of their color or use preferably fresh.

Medicinal properties recognized.


Pharmacological action.

Structure eye infection.

Dosage forms described.

Medicinal plant.

Route of administration.


Other properties attributed.

Not yet approved) Hoyas primitive roots purgatives, worming, depurativas, haemostatic, odontálgicas, hypoglycemic.



Other Uses.

Ornamental plant. Industrial raw material source of alkaloids with antitumor properties.


The leaves and roots are characterized by the presence of more than 60 alkaloids from the group of natures. Among the most important for its antineoplastic activity include vincristine and vinblastine.


Propagate by seeds. Planting must be done in the early months of winter and the position must be fueled by no less than 60 days. They develop into all types of soil and needs to be grown in full sun. Undemanding in terms of water supply.

Form of preparation.

Boil for not less than 5 min. a handful of fresh flowers per liter of water. When cool place with cotton on the eyes.

Bibliographic references.

Granda, M. Acosta and Lerida. Notes on the cultivation of medicinal plants IV: Catharantus roseus (L! G. Don (Madagascar) tropical crops 6 (2) 491 - 498; 1984.

Cuellar, A. and Nidia Rojas. The microbiological inhibitory action of several excerpts from the Cantharanthus roseus (L. G. Don (Report) University of Havana, 1986.

Rogier, J. T. Medicinal plants, aromatic or poisonous to Cuba. Havana: Editorial Scientific Technical, 1988, 1125 p.

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