Trementina (Aceite Esencial)

Essentiasl Oils of 15 cc

Soria Natural Soria Natural

Trementina (Aceite Esencial) (Soria Natural)
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Trementina (Aceite Esencial)

Soria Natural

Essentiasl Oils of 15 cc
Ref.: sntaetrementina
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Essential oils are produced by aromatic plants as a mechanism of defense against external aggression, so it. s not surprising that some of its chemical substances are potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Essential oils affect the central nervous system, especially the brain.
The essence of turpentine is obtained by distilling some conifers, in our case of Pino.
It is antirheumatic, a lever, proof, healing, antiseptic and parasiticide.
It is used in external use in rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, sciatica, leucorreas, injuries, etc.

Bottle of Essentiasl Oils of 15 cc.

Other Presentations of the Product Aceites Esenciales:

Essential Oil Trmentina 100%.

Usage Instructions
- With a massage in the bath, inhaling the vapor or directly from a tissue or cloth.
- Individually or using up to three essential oils combined. We recommend an oil carrier, which may be the almond oil, virgin olive or soy.

- Avoid essential oils during the first three months of pregnancy.
- Buy essential oils and pure unadulterated by renowned companies.
- Do not apply undiluted oils on the skin, except in cases of explicit specification.
- It is necessary to make a small test before using a particular essential oil to see if he can produce some kind of allergic reaction: Apply a bit of essential oil in the interor of codoy examínelo past 2 hours. If you notice a reddening of the area of application or feel itching should not use this oil.
- Never be ingesting the ACIT essential, if not through a doctor.s supervision.
- Avoid prolonged use of the same essential oil.
- Do not apply the essential oil on the eyes and keep out of reach of children.
- Put labels identifying the packages of essential oils and the disluciones.
- Both the essential oil as the dissolution should be kept in a cool, dark place.


Soria Natural essential oil Turpentine.

Expectorant, soothing, antiseptic lung and urinary tract, dissolve gallstones, antirheumatic, repulsive, healing, antiseptic.

Internal use: chronic bronchitis, urinary tract infections, rheumatism, gallstones.

External Use: Rheumatism, neuralgia, wounds, etc.

dose and method of use.

Internal use: 2 - 4 drops, 3 times a day, a teaspoon of honey or.

in a lump of brown sugar or tea.

External use: In inhalations (5 - 25 g / liter of water) for conditions.

respiratory tract, and in liniments with other essences oregano.

rosemary, diluted in alcohol, in rheumatic pains.


Excessive inhalation or ingestion above recommended doses may cause irritation of the central nervous system or increased blood pressure.


Information contained on this site is for informational purposes only and can not be considered as a substitute for the prescription, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any illness or disease we recommend you consult with a healthcare professional.

The products on this site are not drugs and their role is not to replace any medical treatment. We recommend that you exercise caution with the use of any information posted on the web (it could for example be some mistake about it indicated on the package) and in any case always consult your health care professional. HIPERnatural is not responsible for any information, comments and general content posted on this website and linked it to other website (and its function is purely informational and should never be considered as treatment recommendations) nor for the products mentioned in this web site and its suitability.