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Castilian: oregano, fluriéngano.

English: wild marjoran.

INTRODUCTION: Not to be confused with the oregano marjoram, a similar plant with medicinal properties very similar, which is often used in Italy under the name "oregano" pizza flavoring. In the Mediterranean, where it abounds oregano, marjoram hardly be found if the plant is not cultivated.

FEATURES: It is a perennial plant (which lives more than two years) straight stem, which reaches between 30 v 80 cm. v is not round but, curiously, square, branched at the top, completely covered with pelusilla Blanca. The leaves, whole, oval, finished tip, also are coated in pelusilla. The flowers, very small (the petals do not exceed the 2 0 3 mm long) purple grazed, grouped into bouquets terminals (at the ends of twigs) summarizing a few droplets of a yellowish liquid aromatic. All the plant follows a particularly pleasant aroma and (oregano can identify with the smell) Its flavor, by contrast, is bitter. Among its frequent use of synonyms include: crético opinion, oregano and marjoram bastard.

LOCATION: It grows spontaneously throughout the Eurasian continent, provided that the climate is temperate and subtropical between, not too dry. Living in the mountains, up to 2, 000 m above sea level, even a place in the lower areas of the Himalayas.

ACTIVE: The active dal oregano are at the core, this yellow liquid which can be seen with good eyes, inside the floras and also to be found in the leaves. It consists mainly of essential oils, resins and some tannin, the latter also abounds in the stems (hence the bitter taste)

Medicinal properties: It exercises stimulating action on the nervous system and calm the pain. It acts on the respiratory system, eliminating coughs and bronchial secretions. It promotes digestive functions and also stimulates menstruation.

COLLECTING: We use the leaves and flowers, which are collected by the flowering tops, that is, the ends of the branches containing flowers and leaves. The ideal time is in full bloom (usually summer) not before. Worth waiting for some flowers are regularly and do not rush when they start to flower early because the essence of production is increased by the flowers once they have already been fully developed. Must dried in the shade as the sun would destroy the essential oil; then be stored in tightly closed containers in a cool and dry.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: In general, is a plant and digestive tonic. Against the pain there is an effective solution, especially stop back pain and neck (torticollis) Is to implement a bunch of fresh flowering tops (just picked) and slightly heated. Is wrapped with a cloth also hot, and remains the more time the better (repeat as many times as necessary) As a digestive, is taken in infusion (of dried leaves and flowers) a cup after meals. Stop cough, asthma or respiratory conditions, it is preferable in decoction: boiled over hors quarter of a liter of water with 50 grams of f7ores and leaves, and takes three tacitas a day.

The name of this plant consists of the words Greek gold mount gains and ornamental splendor, that is, 'splendor in the bush. " It is actually a very showy plant that covers the field of pink in summer, which is also associated with the saying "the whole mountain is not oregano. ".

Oregano presents beautiful inflorescences violet, made up of small flowers (right) In collects the medicine is sumidades, which house a significant percentage of essential oils, which are made tizanas against cough, stomach disorders and diarrhea. As excellent additive aromatic, oregano is used especially in Italian cuisine.


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