Cardiac valve disorders

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Cardiac valve disorders - HIPERnatural.COM
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Cardiac valve disorders
Valvulopatia cardiac.

Complication of some diseases, that distorts or destroys the valves of the heart.

Affected parts.

The four valves can be affected cardiac, but he is much more frequent in those of the left camera (mitral and aortic) that in those of the right (pulmonary tripeak and)


It can affect any age, without sexual preferences.


It depends on the primary ailment.

Many complications of the diseases valvulares can be controlled with medication or be cured with surgery.


Infection of the valves.

Congestivo cardiac failure (the heart does not support the overload produced by the injury to valvular)

Diagnosis and treatment.


File and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis of blood.


Techniques of static and dynamic visualization, like:

Ecografía cardiac, sometimes through the esophagus.

Cardiac Cateterismo.

X - rayses of the heart, lungs and sanguineous flow (angiography)


The treatment is based on:

Medical treatment.


Surgery to replace or to open the defective valves (some times)

General measures.

Notice any doctor, dentist or anesthetist who are going to him to deal with which he has an affection of the cardiac valves.

Recuérdeselo, although thinks that already they know the details his medical file.


His doctor can prescribe:

Antibiotics to deal with or to prevent the infections the cardiac valves.

Antiarrhythmic drugs to fight the irregularities of the heart rate.

Medication with digitalis to reinforce or to regularize the heart rate.

Diuréticos to reduce the overload cardiac.


All the one that can tolerate.

With certain forms of affection of the cardiac valves the restrictions are not necessary.


Low in fats and salt.

Warn its medico if.

They appear signs of infection like:



muscular pains,


fatigue and general malaise.

It presents / displays a sudden worsening of the symptoms.


Ask for medical treatment for diseases that cause injuries of the cardiac valves, like the hypertension, endocarditis and sífilis.

Take antibiotics for the infections by estreptococos to prevent the rheumatic fever.

If it has familiar antecedents of congenital disease of the heart, requests genetic advising before having children.

Signs and symptoms.

Without symptoms (sometimes)

Fatigue and weakness.

Mareos or fadings.

Pain chest.

Lack of air.

Pulmonary Congestión.

Irregularities of the heart rate.

Cardiac blowings (abnormal sounds of the heart that the doctor by means of fonendoscopio listens to)

Anomalies of the arterial tension (high or low)

Factors of risk.

Age superior to 60 years.

Familiar antecedents of affection of the cardiac valves.


Fatigue or excess of work.

Drug administration by parenteral route.


The heart has 4 valves.

The mitral and the tripeak (main valves) control the sanguineous flow between the auricles, receiving of the blood, and the ventricles, that impel it.

The valves pulmonary and aortic prevent that the blood returns haca the heart after its impulsion by the ventricles.

The affection of the cardiac valves can consist of the narrowing of the valves (estenosis) that obstructs the sanguineous flow, or of the widening or healing of the valves, that allow that the blood returns backwards (insufficiency)

This disease can be inherited or be caused by:

Rheumatic fever (a complication of faringoamigdalítis by estreptococos)



Congenital defects of the heart.

Infections of the valves (endocarditis) after an infection in the blood (the autoinyección of drugs, entails a very high risk)

Sífilis (rarely)

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