A. lumbricoides

Disease information

A. lumbricoides - HIPERnatural.COM
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A. lumbricoides
This parasite is very frequent mainly in humid places and when the hygiene measures are not the adapted ones and they mainly affect to the children and children, affecting seriously its development and growth.

He is so infectante, that the World - wide Organization of the Health esteem that there is near 2. 000 million people infected in the world, of which near 20% get to pass away by his cause.

The Ascaris, is lombrices intestinal which they grow and they are also developed in the intestine but in the ground in where many infected people deposit their fecal matter, mainly in spaces of food sowing.

The eliminated eggs are not those that cause the infection, but the adult parasites that are developed after 3 to 4 weeks inside them.

The fertilized egg enters the alimentary canal by means of foods or water contaminated and of enters the sanguineous torrent there, making a route by almost all the body, liver, heart, lungs and other organs later to settle in the thin intestine where they become adult larvae that measure, the females between 20 and 30 cm. and the males between 15 to 20 cm. arriving to live in this organ until a year.

There are cases in that the person can have a single parasite, but others in which are so many, that its aglutinamiento gets to cause serious intestinal obstructions.

The symptoms that appear with this parasite can very be varied, reason why sometimes its discovery becomes difficult, since it can be asintomático or it is made thinking about another disease not indeed and about his presence as it is the case of surgeries of urgency by severe intestinal obstructions.

Between the symptoms they are:

acute Pain and extreme inflammation of the abdomen.

frequent Vomits and nauseas.

Diarreas chronic.

Syndrome of bad absorption.



Lack of suitable growth and development to the age.

The diagnosis, is made after elaborating clinical history, contemplating the hygienic - dietetic habits of the person and making parasicológicos examinations, to identify eggs. Also it is made by the analysis of the lombrices eliminated in the fecal matter and they are visible.

Another type of studies is those of the analysis of the content of the stomach or respiratory secretions in where some parasites can be that walk making the rounds by the sanguineous torrent.

When they are not discovered with the laboratory studies, it will be necessary to make x - rays or ecografías that allow to see the parasite.

The treatment consists of antiparasitic medicines and the care of the hygiene of foods and the water is being consumed.

In order to prevent them it is necessary.

To mainly wash and to disinfect well the fruits and vegetables, those of leaf and the vegetables, that are due to place to the water spurt during a good short while so that the huevecillos are eliminated. They are possible to be soaked a little while in water with two drops of chlorine.

To cook foods well.

To boil the water for consumption.

To wash or the hands before touching, preparing or to eat and after going bathroom.

not to defecate in culture areas.

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