Disease information

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Dengue is considered as the arboviral infection commonest of the world and every year are reported more of million cases of people infected.

It is an infectious disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by ill people or by a mosquito the Aedes Aegypti and its incidence increase at time of rains, tropical and warm subtropical climate places and in people nonvaccinated who travel towards tropical regions.

In 1985, the Aedes mosquito albopictus, coming from also transmitting Asia and of dengue was found in the United States and now it is in most of the states of Eastern half of the E. U. and in some areas of Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic.

It is transmitted by the puncture of different types from mosquitos that mainly usually prick to the people two hours after the putting of the sun and several hours before the dawn. Most of the mosquitos they are located in zones near the coasts and only some species are located in urban means of certain countries, like the United States, Polynesia, Malaysia and to a large extent of Asia and Africa.

The disease usually has a period of incubation of between 3 to 14 days, being more frequent between the 5 and 7 days.

Dengue is not transmitted directly from a person to another one. The perforated patients to the being usually infect the mosquitos that become infectantes agents after feeding themselves with blood of their victim and thus they remain the rest of his life.

She is much more severe and dangerous in adults who in children and appear of two main forms: dengue classic and dengue hemorrágico.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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