Disease information

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A slight viral contagious infection that causes the painful inflammation of the glands salivares.

Parótidas glands (glands salivares that are between the ear and the jaw)

Sometimes also they are affected other organs, like the testicles, ovaries, páncreas, chests, brain and meninges (membranes that covers the brain)

All the ages, although are commonest in children of 2 to 12 years. Around 10% of the adults they are susceptible to have paperas.

To call to the doctor if.

The fever (oral) raises more of 38, 3º.

It happens the following thing during the disease:

Vomits or abdominal pain.

Dolores strong of head that does not calm with paracetamol.

Modorra or difficulty to stay wide - awake.

Swelling or pain in the testicles.

Tics in muscles of the face.


Annoyances or reddening in the eyes.


Infections in the brain or meninges (meningo - encefalitis) páncreas, ovaries, chests or testicles. If they affect both testicles, can cause sterility (rarely)


Usually it is cured with fast aggressive treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Sanitary precautions.

Taken care of homemade after the diagnosis.

Medical treatment to confirm the diagnosis and to treat the complications, in case that they happen.

I diagnose.

Its own observation of the symptoms.

Medical file and physical examination by a doctor.

General measures.

It is not necessary to isolate the affected people.

In general, when the disease is pronounced already has extended.

Apply to heat or ice - what it alleviates to him more - intermittent to the swollen and painful glands (parótida or testicles)

Use a hot water stock market, a hot towel or an ice stock market.


Once the disease is pronounced, to leave follows its course.

It does not have, at the moment, no medicine that eliminates the virus, or prevents that it is multiplied.

For slight pains, it can use medicines without prescription, like paracetamol or metamizol. It does not take aspirin.

His doctor can prescribe to him:

Analgesic more forts.

Medicines with cortisone, when the testicles are affected.


It does not have why to keep bed, it would not avoid the appearance of possible complications. Be as active as their forces and their mood are allowed it.

When the inflammation disappears, the danger disappears of I infect.


There is no special diet, but it will have to increase the ingestion daily of liquids to 6 / 8 glasses, including gaseous drinks, tea or water.

The juices of fruits or the acid drinks can increase the pain.

Factors of risk.

The hacinamiento.


Vaccinate to the children against the paperas to the advised age.

If he has not had paperas or he is not vaccinated, and somebody in its familiar surroundings has them, his antipaperas doctor can recommend a globulin.

The injection CAN avoid the affection - it is not guaranteed - and is expensive.

Signs and symptoms.

Paperas without complications:

Inflammation, swelling and pain the parótidas glands. The glands are hard to the tact and the pain increases when chewing or to swallow.



Pain throat.

Additional symptoms with complications:

Painful and inflamed testicles.

Abdominal pain, when they affect to the ovaries or the páncreas.

Hard headache, when they affect to the brain or meninges.


Transmission between the people of the virus of the paperas.

The virus can be transmitted at any time from 48 hours before they appear the symptoms later up to 6 days. The period of incubation is of 14 to 24 days after the contact. The average is of 18 days.

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