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Thousands of pairs in the world, wish to have hijo / a own and by diverse causes they cannot obtain it. Nevertheless this problem that before was irreversible with all the emotional consequences, familiar and psychological, now is totally feasible through diverse means of attended reproduction.

When a pair does not manage to become pregnant, the first step is to make a series of studies to determine the cause, since first it is necessary to discard if the person is sterile, is to say he is incapable to have a pregnancy or is infertile, that is when they manage to conceive hijo / a but the pregnancy is not obtained and finishes in spontaneous abortion or the death of the product.

This evaluation must be made as much in the woman as in the man, since the problem can come in equal number of percentage, some of both and in some cases by the coincidence of both and not necessarily of the woman, as before it were believed.

It is necessary to make a detailed clinical history with antecedents of suffered diseases, traumatic events (as it can be a violation) later to make a careful revision of the reproductive system and hormonal operation among others.

Between the studies recommended for the man he is espermiograma, examination that consists of analyzing a sample of seminal liquid and the count of spermatozoa, to know the type defect that can have. They are also made, hormonal studies, ultrasounds and x - rays.

For the woman hormonal studies are made, ultrasounds or ecografías to evaluate the growth and development of the ovocitos in the ovary, the change in the thickness and characteristics of the endometrium or the conditions of the tubes of Fallopian tube. In order to evaluate the conditions of the uterus and pelvis in general, radiological examinations are made, and to observe the internal sexual organs, is made a laparoscopia, in which a thin tube by the navel is introduced that allows to observe in direct form the pelvic organs.

Other studies, like the transvaginal ultrasound or hiesteroscopía, are for detecting congenital or acquired malformations, as the presence of miomas, abnormalitys in the thickness the endometrium by the presence of polyps or adhesions of the endometrial wall, conocidad like sinequias.

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