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Although it has exaggerated the toxicity of the oleander leaves, the fact is that is planted in gardens to keep the dogs away.

Plant itself from the sea shores, very colorful, beautiful flowers, with leaves poisonous whose extracts were used as a heart tonic.

FEATURES: evergreen shrub, up to 2 meters high, but often come to grow more, even paste the 4 m. Its leaves are narrow and long, harsh, with the edges smooth. Although the flavor is unpleasant and rarely lead to the mouth, we have to prevent children from the mastics. At the end of the stems emerge four or five stems that culminate in a flower forming a joint unit of about 20cm floral. in diameter; coda of them has five pink or white petals that make the plant a beautiful decorative element. It also called Neri.

ACTIVE: It contains many substances, mainly glycosides, which exert a pharmacological action on heart rhythm.

Medicinal properties: Due to its action on the heart muscle, is used as a tonic. In the right proportion, glycosides of the oleander are less able to speed up a heartbeat or stop it.

COLLECTION: Any time of] year is good for some cost to an oleander leaves, but during the summer and autumn increases its production of active ingredients.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: Its use is reserved exclusively for specialists, because an inadequate dose could prove fatal, since it would be easy to obtain the opposite effect desired. The beauty of the plant, with its size and its beautiful flowers, has made the oleander plant widely used in gardening. Back in the days of our grandfathers were planted alongside roads for donkeys and mules, who then threw the car, usual means of transport) was not entertained during the journey eating the leaves. Also enclosed pasture tunas, which were set up to the limits which could lead the herd. In North Africa, used to prepare a paste with oleander leaves and honey with which scrub on the scalp, is fighting scabies.

The oleander is used as an ornamental shrub because of the beauty of its flowers, which can be double, as the center of the figure, or simple (top) because there are many cultivated varieties. Below is a seed. Its leaves, resembling those of the laurel closer though, have an unpleasant taste and are toxic. The active principles that glycosides are mainly home to have action on the heartbeat, while accelerating its pace as slowing, according to the dose and is therefore, that the use of the oleander as a medicinal plant should be restricted to physicians.

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