
Agrimony () - HIPERnatural.COM
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The agrimony is a herbaceous plant, the family of the pinkish, with a tall stalk that can reach the meter in height, the stem is topped by an inflorescence of cheerful yellow flowers that are arranged in a loose bunch. In general it is easy to find on the banks of the crops and on the edge of forests of oaks and oak; prefer a cool and shaded.

The virtues of the agrimony are known since ancient times and since Dioscórides described in its treaties. There is another variety, agrimony odorata, which differs from the agrimony yevpatoriya by the fruit and to be more aromatic. The agrimony begins to bloom in May and is throwing flowers well into the season. Their interest as a medicinal plant leaves and flowering tops. Is the collection at the beginning of flowering, are placed to dry leaves and separating sumidades and ensuring good ventilation and shade. After drying is a characteristic that leaves both sumidades fired as a pleasant perfume, mixed with a slight bitterness.

The composition of the plant is not all that well known, but known to contain large amounts of tannins, some essential oil and a bit of silicic acid. The tannins give the grass a strong astringent action and antidiarreica; has been used widely in diarrhea as well as in various diseases of the mouth and pharynx. The use of agrimony is well known among people who usually have that much to force the throat, as speakers or singers. In the composition of the plant were also found flavonoids, the anti - inflammatory effect, so it is used for rheumatic pain and other inflammatory processes. It is also useful in wounds and sores.

Infusion for rinses: Put 100 gr. of leaves and flowering tops in one liter of boiling water and once the warm liquid rinses are conducted several times a day. For inflammatory processes in the mouth. If this infusion is left to boil for a while and added sugar or honey, you can make gargarismos in case of throat ailments.

Infusion to take: It is an infusion with the same quantity as the infusion for rinses, is sweetened to taste each and then filtered to take small cups throughout the day. It is a useful remedy for colds and digestive diarrhea.

External use: A decoction of the plant in the form of compresses applied directly to wounds and sores. In pharmacy can be purchased in the form of the plant extract, dye, cut and plant as part of other presentations composed.

Anti - inflammatory. Astringent. Vulnerary.

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