alquimila arvense   aphanes arvensis

ALQUIMILA arvense (alquimila arvense   aphanes arvensis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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alquimila arvense   aphanes arvensis
The alquimila arvense is a herbaceous plant belonging to the family of pinkish. This is an annual plant of low altitude, at most an inch of height. The leaves have a short corner and are divided into three segments, which in turn divided again into deep teeth. Each leaf is wearing a pair of stipules that soldiers in one piece, form a graceful overflowing cornucopia of florecitas. One grows in sandy places, especially in the siliceous and on a preferential basis in the fields around the country, although it is not strange to see it everywhere.

It begins to bloom from the month of March and continues well into the summer. The collection for medicinal purposes are interested in the whole plant, which should be collected when in flower or about to blossom. The following must be put out to dry as quickly as possible, well in the shade, or better still dry at temperatures not too high so as not to spoil their properties. It was finally stored in airtight jars, protected from light and moisture.

From the composition of this plant little can be said because there are no serious studies on this. We think that is similar to the composition of other plants of the same genus as the "Alpine alquimila" or "lion's foot, " that is, to be rich in material tannic and other minor components therapeutic interest. With regard to its pharmacological actions, is used like the two species that we have named above. It is used against diarrhea for their important action astringent. Also used against the pain of stomach and gastrointestinal inflammations. Another of the effects attributed to him is to be a good tonic and act as anti - inflammatory topically.

The name "alquimila" comes from the era of the alchemists who had great faith in these plants and often used in many of his many experiments. One of the things that aroused his curiosity was to see that the distilled water plant, which incited them to think that they could seize and remove many of these qualities.

Cooking: It is prepared by placing a boil just over a cup of water with a handful of grass. It takes when it is still hot and add some other herbs to flavor. Although it is used like other alquimilas, it seems that this is the least active of all.

Tonic. Astringent. Anti - inflammatory.

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