acoyo, yierba santa,

SANTA SHEET (cord) (acoyo, yierba santa,) - HIPERnatural.COM
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acoyo, yierba santa,
MOMO O cord.

Piper auritum Kunth Fam. Piperaceae.

From this plant, the leaves are widely used where it is applied on disorders of the skin. Also used to suffering horn vaginal inflammation, infection of the matrix, galactógeno (increasing the milk of women who breastfeed) and to accelerate delivery through the sheets soaked in alcohol. It also is used in digestive disorders such as stomach pain, poor appetite, constipation, diarrhea and inflammation of the stomach. It is said also that it is a good remedy for bronchitis, coughing and fever - lowering, for it is cocen leaves and swallowed the resulting liquid. Other common uses of the road conditions are for Santa as asthma, laryngitis, rheumatism, desparasitante, sores and eye irritation.

Leafy herbaceous measuring up to 2. 5 m in height, has large leaves and ACORAZONADO odor of their flowers resemble spikes as a thin cord. Lives in warm climates, dry and semi. It is grown in gardens and grows on roads, creeks and agricultural land. Is associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, evergreen forests and mixed pine and oak.

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