vicia faba

HABA (vicia faba) - HIPERnatural.COM
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vicia faba
Family: Legumes.

Description: herbaceous plant, erect, glabra, with root axonomorfa. The stem is tetragonal and can reach a height of up to 80 cm. The leaves are alternate, consisting of two to five oval leaflets, whole, mucron, with stipules. The flowers are grouped in clusters sessile. Are white with purple wings. Goblet presents triangular upper teeth and lower lanceolate. The pulses are long, fleshy at the beginning and then coriaceous, and contain seeds crushed or angular. This species comes from North Africa. Rare in the wild, their cultivation is very common in temperate climates. Is harvested in spring.

Used parts: Pods.

Active Principles: Legumes, vitamins C, PP, B1, A, K, E.

Directions: diuretic, litóntrica.

Use: Decoction, dust.

Interest: The disproportionate use of fresh fava beans can cause the disease known as favismo, which produces fevers, tremors, delirium, hemoglobin and albuminaria. The pollen can trigger allergic phenomena. The flour for this species is abundant in protides and vitamins, so it is a very nutritious food that can be used alone or with other flours.

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