Vitamin B1

Information about vitamin

Vitamin B1
The B1 Vitamin or tiamina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly.


It is the great ally of the mood by its beneficial effect on the nervous system and the mental attitude. Aid in cases of depression, irritability, loss of memory, loss of concentration and exhaustion. It favors the growth and aid to the carbohydrate digestion.

Daily dose.

Suckling baby:

6 Months: 0. 3 mg.

1 Year: 0. 5 mg.


1 to 6 Years: 0. 7 mg.

6 to 10 Years: 1. 2 mg.

Men: 1. 2 mg.

Women: 1. 1 mg.


Its deficiency produces lack of appetite, badly humor and little yield in general, being able even to lead to nervous pains and serious symptoms paralysis. When being very related to the energy transport, its necessity varies based on the diet, reason why a greater amount for those is recommendable than they ingest many refined carbohydrates, such as the bread and white rice, paste and sugar; for people of outpost age and those with a reduced diet. Also for smokers and people who drink alcohol. Several clinical symptoms attributed to the excess of alcohol are deficiencies that this one in the absorption of the vitamin causes. The same tea or coffee, which had mainly to tannins and acids of these substances happens in the case of a use inmoderado of.


It does not represent risk some.


Hueva of codfish, germ of wheat, peanuts, oats, bacon, pig and bread.

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