convallaria majalis

LILY OF THE VALLEY (convallaria majalis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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convallaria majalis
Part used: the flowers.

Properties: diuretic and tonic of the heart. Are more important effects on the heart that its diuretic properties, with two activities complement very timely, which is benefiting from its joint action. Some modern researchers have shown that in many cases serves better than digital (the classic choice of the heart) and without danger cl dc cumulative toxic effects.

Directions: in diseases of the heart, such as: weak heart, big heart (hipertrofiado) functional deficiencies of the heart (of the valve defects or injury) and diseases caused by one of these faults or shortcomings, such as: Congestion of blood in the lungs with a corresponding difficulty in breathing (dyspnea) as well as in cases of swelling by fluid retention in the tissues. In these recent cases is doubly indicated this plant for its diuretic and cardiac tonic.

Usage: infusion of flowers, a teaspoon per cup, four cups a day. When using alcoholic tincture of CONVALARIA will take about thirty drops a day, spread over three or four shots. Without prior indication of the physician should not use this plant as being highly specific should be used only after a proper diagnosis.

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