yuca manhiot esculenta

MANCOBRA (yuca manhiot esculenta) - HIPERnatural.COM
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yuca manhiot esculenta
Other Names:

Aypí, cassava, Mancobra, cassava, manioc, Pan de Tierra Caliente, White Sago, Tapioca.

Cassava is a highly valued food plant in hot countries. However, the consumption of its crude root causes a serious poisoning, even deadly. That's because it contains cianogenéticos glycosides, which release poisonous hydrogen cyanide. Fortunately, these toxic substances disappear easily with the heat.

Habitat: native to Brazil. Extended by all tropical and subtropical regions of America, Asia and Africa. It was well suited to land - poor and dry.

Description: shrub of the family of Euforbiáceas with woody stems, upright and gnarled, up to 2 meters in height. The tuberous root is white, up to one meter long and 20 cm in diameter.

Used parts: the tuber (stem) roasted or cooked.

Properties and indications: the root contains up to 40 '% from carbohydrates (mainly starch) but very poor in proteins and lipids (fats) Hence, its nutritional value is limited, and that's why cassava should not form the basis of the diet. It's digestive, emollient (softener and anti - inflammatory) and slightly astringent.

Is elaborated tapioca - based starch in the form of cassava flour. It is very easy to digest, and it is recommended in case of gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, dyspepsia (bad digestion) and hiperclorhidria (excess acidity) He also agreed the gastroenteritis, diarrhea and colitis. It is ideal food for debilitated patients with poor digestive capacity.

Externally, the tapioca is applied in cataplasms hot with lemon juice, to mature furúnculos, grains infected and abscesses. Also in healing the injuries of erysipelas (skin infection caused by streptococcus)

Use: flour milling the tuber is obtained by heat past, it was developed with diverse culinary preparations. Externally it is used in cataplasms that are prepared by adding lemon juice to flour. You have to apply hot.

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