daphne mezereum

MECEREO (daphne mezereum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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daphne mezereum
Family: Timeláceas.

Description subshrub generally spontaneous, it develops a woody stem, twisted, bark smooth, gray, with pits. The stem is woody. The leaves grow scattered, green, ovaladolanceoladas, fitted with a short petiole, outdated, hair in the juvenile stages. Appear after flowering. The flowers, red or pink, are sessile, or combined lists, arranged in clusters that form a cluster side with a beam of terminal leaves. The androecium is composed of eight stamens; the gynoecium has a short style. The fruit is a drupe red ovoidal form. This species is common in the mountainous rainforests, and almost to the plain, across Europe. Is harvested in spring.

Used parts: the crust.

Chemical compounds: Dafnina, mezereína, aldehyde mezerínico, mucilages, oil, wax.

Properties: Rubefaciente, vesicatoria, drastic.

How to use: Decoction, dyeing, liparolito.

Note: This species is very poisonous and in no way be used for internal use. Externally it is used fairly, but should always apply expert hands, in the preparation of antirheumatic ointments or plasters vesicatoria, which often produce, given their high activity, erythema and flictemas. However, homeopathy is used in some skin diseases and inflammation in the form of a tincture or energizing. Some birds eat the fruit without experiencing any kind of disorder. In some areas the bark is used as estornutatorio dried and pulverized, but their use is not recommended.

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