Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Sistemico erythematous lupus (THEM)

Disease autoinmune that affects to the conectivo weave and the kidneys, mainly.

Of each 10 affected, 9 are women.


It does not have cures for this disease.

The life expectancy is of 70 % to the 10 years of the diagnosis.

The main cause of mortality is the renal failure.

Diagnosis and treatment.


The diagnosis is based on the combination of history and examination by a doctor with blood analysis and tinkles.

In order to value the degree of renal affectation, it can be necessary to make a hepática biopsy, generally by punción.


The treatment is doctor, being able to require the enter the hospital for the treatment of the cirsis or the complicaciones. nética.

General measures.


His doctor will administer to corticoesteroides and inmunosupresores to him, powerful drugs that will have to go away more quickly reducing possible. For smaller annoyances, he can take aspirin or paracetamol.


Avoid the activities that can cause wounds, as the contact sports.

It can swim, go in bicycle or walk.

There are no other restrictions.


There is no a special diet.

If the vomits are problematic, less abundant but more frequent meals can be useful.

Warn its medico if.

Note infection signs (new pains with associate fever)

It notices a worsening of the symptoms in spite of the treatment.

It bleeds much or it feels oppression and difficulty when breathing.


They can take place stopped cardiac, venous and pulmonary trombosis, acute and chronic renal failure.

The pregnancy can take to good term, although the number of spontaneous abortions is increased. Normally it does not affect the activity of the disease after the childbirth. The medication used for to THEM can continue taking itself during the pregnancy.


For unknown reasons, the organism attacks its own components.

He is more frequent in patients with certain HLA (what it distinguishes genetically to people of others)

Environmental factors, without determining, contribute to the appearance of the disease.

A series of medicines produces a similar picture, although limited and little it frequents:





D Penicilamina,

Metildopa alpha,


Quinidina and.

alpha Interferon.

Other medicines have been made responsible in sporadic cases.

Signs and symptoms.




General malaise,

Loss of weight,

Lack of appetite.


Pain in the joints (arthralgias) mainly of the fingers,

Muscular pain (mialgias)

Generalized swelling of hands and feet,

Inflammation of the sinews.


Eruption in butterfly (fixed reddening of the cheeks and back of the nose) typical,

Extended but infrequent eruptions more,

Partial alopecias (loss of hair by zones)

Injuries of vasculitis in arms and hands.


Clinically appreciable Nefritis in half of the patients.

Loss of proteinas by tinkles it,

Inflammatory cells in tinkle it,

Swelling by loss of proteinas of the ankles.


It can affect almost any cerebral structure, with agreed symptoms to the attacked place.

A certain cognitiva loss is frequent,

Convulsions can happen.


The trombosis are very frequent.

Hematológicas (of the blood)

Anemia of chronic, very frequent disease,

Possible Hemólisis (destruction of red globules)


Lúpico anticoagulant, with tendency to the hemorrhages.


Pericarditis, frequents.

Miocarditis, that can cause sudden death.

Pleuresía and I spill pleurales.


It feels nauseous,


Abdominal annoyances.


Retinal Vasculitis, with loss of vision.

Factors of risk.

Familiar antecedents, the exhibition to the sun can trigger an attack.


The disease in himself does not have prevention.

In order to avoid the reagudizaciones, it avoids the sun.

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